Chapter Fourteen

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|Michael Kingston|

If there's one thing I hate most, it's being alone. My mom and Nova are out at dinner with Rosie, Nova's mom, and my dad is out with his buddies; probably drinking. It's not like he's some insane alcoholic, he does this every Saturday night and always comes home sober, for the most part.

I stand up and begin to wander around the house, trying to figure out what I can do to keep myself occupied. One name repeatedly passes through my mind over and over again, but I try to push it away.


I'm marrying someone tomorrow, for goodness sakes! Why do I have to be thinking about her? Mom told me to stay away from her -- and even though I rarely do what she tells me, I feel like I should obey.

Kirstie. What someone doesn't know won't kill them.

After going through the entire house, and nearly tripping twice, I decided on what to do. I picked up my cell phone from off of the kitchen counter, and dialed the number, hesitating before I actually pressed the 'call' button.

"I thought you'd never call," the familiar voice answered, as flirtatious as always.


"Good to see you again," I opened the front door and stepped aside, letting Kirstie come in.

"Yeah, yeah, let's cut to the chase, shall we?" She placed her hands on her hips, looking around the foyer. "What do you want?"

"You know what I want," I took a step closer to her.

"Oh?" She gave me a mischievous grin as she slowly strode towards me. "You sure? It's been awhile.."

"Hell yeah, I'm sure." I bit my lip, pulling her towards me.

"Alright then, let's get to it." Speaking quickly, she took ahold of the collar of my shirt and crashed our lips together.

She then wrapped her arms around my neck, mine resting on her waist. I began to back her up, until she hit a wall, causing her to moan. I placed my hands on the back of her thighs, just under her butt, and I hiked her legs up so they were wrapped around my torso. She pressed herself even closer to me, and she began to run her fingers through my hair. I deepened the kiss, beginning to slowly make my way up the stairs, being as cautious as I could. Once we reached my bedroom, I removed a hand from her leg so that I could open the door. I carried her into my room, shutting the door behind us.

I broke the kiss -- excuse me, make-out session -- only to place her on to the bed. Once she was on it, I crawled on top of her, using my elbows to hold me up. I began to kiss her again, moaning when she began to run her fingers up my shirt and on to my bare back. I broke off once again, peeling my shirt off, before returning. Just as I started to unbutton her blouse, though, I heard a noise.

It was a faint jingling noise, and it came from downstairs.

"Shit," I muttered. I scrambled to get back on my feet, and quickly tugged my shirt on.

"What? What's going on?" Kirstie asked, propping her self up on her elbows.

"You," I ruffled up my hair using my hands, "need to leave. Like, now."

"Why?" Her eyes went wide. A scowl twisted onto her face, the girl looked angry. "Fuck you."

She buttoned up her shirt, getting off the bed as she did so. She began to leave when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Nope. Delay." I grabbed her shoulders, taking her on the floor beside the bed where you can't see anything. "Lay down." I said.

"No." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"You wanna do this the hard way? It might hurt."

"That's what she said," she muttered, rolling her eyes.

"I warned you," I shrugged, before shoving her onto the floor, a loud thump sounding trough the room.

"Ow! Motherfu-" I cut her off.

"Shut the fuck up!" I hissed.

She immediately closed her mouth, glaring at me from where she laid on the floor.

"Michael?" My mothers voice rang from in the hallway. "Nova's here to see you."

I quickly glanced at Kirstie, hoping that she didn't hear that. A moment of guilt surged through me when she mouthed her name at me.

"Okay, mom. I'll be down in a minute!" I called back, leaving my bedroom and closing the door behind me.


One hour later...

"Michael Anthony Kingston, why did I just see Kirstie leave our house?" My mom stepped into the living room, interrupting Nova and I's movie. "More importantly, your room?"

I shot an alarmed look at Nova, who just sat there, staring blankly at the television; the same thing she's been doing the whole time.

I guess she didn't hear.

I slowly stood up from my spot on the couch, and I walked towards my mom. "I was telling her that I didn't want to see her anymore. That I wasn't interested." I shrugged, lying as smoothly as I could. I mean, come on. Its my mom. I hate lying to her. But she can't and she doesn't, know that.

She gave me a skeptical look, her eyes slowly grazing over every feature on my face. After a few moments, she nodded and then left the room.

I stood there, consumed in my thoughts. What if mom spoke to Kirstie? If she did, what if Kirstie told her a different story -- what if she told her the truth? That would ruin me for sure. I'm glad Nova didn't hear either, because I do not need her questioning me. My weekend had been agonizingly long enough, I don't need anymore. I still can't --

"Who's Kirstie?" I jumped, forgetting that November sat on the couch. She surprised me; partly because I thought she didn't hear mom -- or she didn't act like it --, and the other part being that I forgot she was even in the room. She spoke quietly, though. Like if I were to say the wrong thing, she'd either get pissed or break down in tears.

"Uhm --" Before I had the chance to explain, my phone rang, the familiar sound of Barbie Girl filling the silence that previously took over. "I'll be right back, I uhh... I have to take this."

I stepped outside, my fingers curling tightly around my phone as I pressed it against my ear. I hopped back and forth, from foot to foot, because, hell, it's freezing out here.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, man." Travis responded smoothly. "I've got some information for you, but I'm not sure that you're gonna like it."

"Hit me," I coolly spoke.

"Well, my brother remembers November."



I don't know why I even bother with cliff hangers because I hate them so much. If I'm reading a good story and I'm left with a cliffhanger AND the author has yet to update, I'm going to be killing them in my mind.

Just kidding.


So this means that I probably won't take forever to update! Yay!

If you're reading this, comment 'Valentine' bc tomorrow's Valentines day.


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