Chapter Eighteen

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|Michael Kingston|

I scrutinized my reflection in the full-length mirror, sighing at what I saw.

I looked great.

"Alright, boy." My father clapped a hand onto my shoulder, "You're gonna do great, and if don't. . . Then screw it. Just do your best and I'm sure it'll be fine."

My dad's little 'speech' had put me on edge. I was even more nervous than before.

What Kirstie said made me realize that she was right; I don't want to be married. I still have three months left of high school, for goodness sakes! I've decided to do whatever I can to push November away. She may be my wife, but that doesn't mean that I have to love her.

Okay, that sounded a bit harsh.

But, like I was saying, I'm going to push her away and off the edge until she finally wants to file a divorce. Then, I can go back to my happy, peaceful and wife-free life. I mean, I want to be going to parties and meeting girls, not grow old with the same woman for the rest of my life.

First, I have to get through this wedding.


|November Smith|

The bagel that I had just consumed under an hour ago threatened to make its appearance once again as my nerves built up. My gaze once again flickered back to my reflection, trying to hold back a grin.

This dress was amazing.

"Ooh! She looks great! You did amazing, but there's a smudge right under her eyelid. . ." Julienne squealed, pointing out to the stylist the imperfection in my makeup. "Oh, great!"

The stylist took a wipe to my face and then claimed that I was ready to go.

I felt the jitters in my stomach turn into a stampede of animals as Tiana handed me my bouquet of red and white flowers.

"Don't worry, babe." Tiana rested a hand on my shoulder, ignoring the glares from Julienne. "It'll be fine."

"But- Nevermind. . ." I sighed.

"That's my girl," Tiana patted my head, making sure that she didn't mess up my hair while doing so

"What?" I wondered.

"I dunno." She shrugged.

We began the walk out of the room and down the long hallway that held the staircase. Since the wedding was being held in the Kingston's backyard, I had to walk down two flights of stairs in my large wedding dress. My bridesmaids were stuck worrying about the train of my dress as they walked down in their own long dresses, though. They all looked amazing in their floor length dresses. The flower girl, my sister April, was in a little red dress that was spotted with navy blue flowers. She trotted along ahead of me and behind the ring bearer.

Once we reached the bottom the stairs, I faintly heard the sound of violins playing from the back yard. We had invited over two-hundred guests, only about fifty from my side.

They either had a big family, or a lot of friends.

They had hung red colored curtains over the back doors so that they couldn't see me before I walked down the aisle.

"Ready?" A man placed his hand on my arm, startling me and making me jump. "Sorry," he chuckled, "didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh, um, it's fine. Let's just get this over with." I nodded.


|Michael Kingston|

I let out a deep breath; was she ever going to come down the aisle?

Just as the question passed my mind, the violins restarted the song and the back doors of my house opened. The bridesmaids walked down one by one, the flower girl following. I watched as April sprinkled the rose petals on the aisle, a small smile appearing on my face.

She's so cute.

After the ring bearer, my little nephew Teddy, came down, everyone stood and awaited the bride.

When I first caught glimpse of her, I thought she looked stunning. I mean, she's not an unattractive girl. In fact, she's gorgeous.

She had a long, flowy dress on, and it accented her well, showing off her curves in all the right places. Her eyes glimmered, mainly from the candles that surrounded us, but she seemed like she was beaming. She held a bouquet of flowers, and her hair was only half put up in a bun, the rest flowing onto her shoulders in waves.

I hadn't noticed two things, though; first, when I realized that no one was walking her down the aisle, and second, I hadn't noticed that she already made it to the end and was waiting for me.

I blinked. We did our vows, and we're almost done with the ceremony.

"November Rayne Smith, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

She blinked, looking as if she had just snapped out of a trance.

"Oh. Um," she stuttered, earning a few laughs and a few scoffs.

Some of these people were really high up.

"I do." She finalized.

"Michael Anthony Kingston, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," I confirmed.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

It all happened in slow motion;

I reached forward and began to uncover the veil off of her face. I then placed a hand on the small of her back, my other resting on the back of her neck. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and we slowly made our way towards each other.

We kissed, and it felt like none of the other kisses that is experienced with her before. It was amazing - I don't know how long we were kissing for, but it was long enough to earn us hoots an hollers from people in the crowd.




So I'm reading Looking For Alaska by John Green (great book, you should totally read it if you haven't. Hell, even if you have go back and reread it.) and it's frustrating me :(

So sorry if any errors, typed on my phone and like I said, I'm reading at the moment and I'm not a skilled multitasker.

ALSO, if you look in the comments, I posted a link. It's a prezi about this story, since I haven't got enough skill to make an actual trailer. Check it out!


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