Chapter Fifteen

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a/n: sorry it's been a while but I'm back now :)


|November Smith|

Have you ever felt so worried for someone, but at the same time you can't help but be angry at them?

Me neither.

Until now, at least. Michael is acting weird and his mom brought up this girl Kirstie and how she left the house once we had gotten here and - nevermind.

I just don't want this 'relationship' to be like my past ones; one specifically. Ian Moore was my boyfriend for three and a half years. He's two years older than I was, but our relationship worked out as if we were made for each other. He was one out of my two past relationships - the other one was in seventh grade and lasted for two weeks - but my only serious one. He knew how to make me laugh, he knew how to comfort me when I was upset and he knew how to bring out the goofy side of me.

He was pretty popular, when he was in high school, and I'm assuming that he's popular even in college now, too. Every detail of our relationship was perfect, until we - he - got into an accident, which caused our breakup.

It was two months ago, and I had just -

"So, Ian Moore, huh?" A familiar voice sounded.

I turned my head to look in the doorway of the living room, biting my lip when I saw Michael standing there. He had his arms crossed over his chest while he leaned against the doorframe, a disappointed look crossing his face.

"Um, what?" I licked my lips, turning back to my original position; staring at the blank TV in front of me.

"You know what I'm talking about, November." His voice was stern - almost as if he was angry at me, although I don't know a reason why he should be angry. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"There isn't a reason as to why I should have." I rhetorted, crossing my arms over my chest. "We broke up, anyhow. It's not like any of it matters anymore."

"Why? Just because he doesn't remember you?" Michael was now sitting next to me on the sofa, his head turned in my direction.

"What are you talking about?" I was now gnawing on my lip, and I'm sure that if I bit just a little harder, it would start to bleed.

When Michael asked his next question though, I pressed harder and it actually did begin to bleed.

"You know that Ian still asks Travis every day where you are and why you left him, right?"

"I didn't-- I didn't leave him," I sniffled. At this point, I was holding back tears, and let's just say that I don't feel like crying in front if Michael.

"I know," he placed one of his - rather large - hands on my knee.

"Then why-"

"But he doesn't know." he spoke softly, crouching in front of me to actually be able to see my face.

"Yes he does! You don't even know the whole story, let alone why our relationship ended!" I cried.

"Then tell me."

He was way to calm. If he didn't show the least bit of emotion within the next five minutes, I'm going to think he's a robot and get all freaked out.


"Just tell me, you can trust me, right? Well enough, anyhow." He nervously glanced up at me.

I thought for a few moments, eventually patting the spot next to me and nodding. He sat in the spot and patiently waited for me to begin.

Taking in a deep breath, I let my eyes close as I began to speak. "It was the start of freshman year - my freshman year at least. He was a junior, but I'd assume that you know that," he nodded, "we were complete opposites, but I guess that's what drew us together. My best friend, Tiana, set us up on a date with each other and that's how we got started. It went from going on dates, to eventually just hanging out all the time - whether it was staying at his house or going to a restaurant, he always knew what we could do. We were like the perfect couple, even when he graduated just as I was becoming a junior. We did everything together, like best friends would, but we loved each other more than anything. Hell," I let out a bitter laugh, "I even gave my virginity up to that guy." Probably didn't need to add that, I thought, seeing the awkward facial expression plastered onto Michael's face. "But, that's beside the point. It was about two or three months ago, when it all went downhill - literally. In December, the two of us went on a snowboarding trip that he had gotten reserved for us for my birthday present. We were both average at skiing; not horrible, not Olympic-medal worthy. So, after a few hours on the first day, it began to get dark out, so I told him that we should go back to the cabin, but he disagreed - he said that he's gonna get his money's worth of this place and go snowboarding to his hearts content. Being the supportive girlfriend that I was, I didn't argue. I watched as he went down the steepest slope. I watched. That's all I did, that's all I could do, was to fucking watch." I cried, placing my head in my hands. I felt hands on my back, rubbing it soothingly.

"It's alright, just continue whenever your ready."

Ten minutes later and my sobbing had just stopped and turned to constant sniffles.

"When he went down the slope, I noticed that he had been a bit wobbly, but I payed no mind to it. I figured it was from the lumps of snow that covered the ground, but no. He didn't have goggles on, which made the snowflakes flurry straight into his eyes. He eventually hit a rock and fell, his head going down first. All I remember is that there was blood everywhere," I took in a sharp breath of air. "I never want to have to watch someone I love go through so much pain. When he was checked into the hotel later that evening, they said he'd get a great deal of memory loss and that it'd be a few days before he woke up.

"So we waited, and we waited some more until approximately eight days later he woke up. He saw his family first, since they're actually related, and he recognized them. But, when I went in to see him, he didn't recognize me, and he started shouting at me to go away and he started pointing out the bad things about me, calling me ugly and stupid for thinking that he'd ever date me. I just-- I don't know what got into him, Michael. I really don't. So, I did what he told and I left, never looking back."

"Wow." He stared at me in shock.

"Never looking back," I mumbled to myself.



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