•during• Chapter Two

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|Nova Kingston|

I had sat in Ian's room for a few more minutes before deciding to go find him. I had literally looked all over the house, eventually finding him in the kitchen. He pushed food around on his plate with a fork, a frown etched onto his face.

I tapped him on the shoulder. "Ian?"

"What?" he snapped, his eyes still trained onto his food in front of him.

"Do you," I cleared my throat, before asking the question that has been eating at me for a while now. "Do you remember what happened?"

He spun around to face me. "Of course I remember. I got into a snowboarding accident and when I was in the hospital, you just up and left me. Who does that?"

My face softened, I muttered, "Who told you that?"

"Doesn't matter." He grumbled.

"Yeah, it does. I'm basically the only one who even knows what happened! While you were in the hospital, you remembered everyone but me! I was hurt! And then one day you started shouting at me, asking who I was, what I was doing there, and you started calling me names and saying that you'd never even consider dating someone like me!" I cried. "How would you feel? Would you stay there? I hate the feeling of being unwanted by someone that I want!"

His face softened for a split second before he shifted his gaze to the floor. "You're lying to me."


I entered the hospital room, a grin on my face.

I finally get to see him!, I thought.

He locked eyes with me, confusion making it's way onto his face.

"Who're you?" he asked.

My smile faltered. "What do you mean, who am I? It's me."

"I mean who the fuck are you and why the hell are you coming into my room! I don't even know you!"

"Ian, please. It's me, November!" I weakly responded.

"Why would I ever be acquainted with someone like you?" he sneered.

"I thought you loved me," I whimpered.

He let out a bark of laughter. "Me? Love you? Yeah, right. Listen, if you just wanted to have some fun you should've just asked, but now you seem like a real bitch, so it's not happening." He shrugged. "Sorry."

I felt tears we'll up in my eyes. How does he not remember me?

I quickly rushed out of the hospital room, tears streaming down my face as I felt a mix of emotions; anger, confusion, like I'm not wanted, sadness and overall: broken.

I loved him, and he doesn't love me. He was what kept me going. And now?

I don't even know anymore.


After practically sprinting out of the Moore's house sobbing, I ended up back at Michael's house where I frowned upon my cold bowl of Spaghetti O's.

I heard someone open the front door just then, making me perk up.

Who was it?



I like food

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