During Part Seventeen

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|Nova Kingston (?)|

I called every flower shop, every fucking flower shop, looking for that . . . that guy! The flower guy! Why did he have to make my life so freaking complicated?! I was starting to think that he didn't actually work at a flower shop, though, I think Michael just bought flowers and paid that guy to give them to me.

Wait a second! 

I rubbed my eyes, my mind blurred as it was stuck on that stupid guy! No, no, no! This is all wrong! Think about Michael, you're still in a relationship with him.

I shook my head, walking into the kitchen in time to see my mom setting down a plate of breakfast foods on the table. 

"Hey, hon, whatcha thinkin' about?" Mom asked, taking her apron off and sitting at the table. She picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite out of it as she patted the seat next to her.

"Michael sent me flowers last night . . . well, this morning." I murmered, sitting next to my mom at the table and picking up a fork.

"Was that who was at the door in the middle of the night?" Her eyes widened as she asked. 

"Yeah," I snorted, "well, he got some guy to do it. Poor guy, he looked exhausted."

"What a bitch!" Mom shouted.

I laughed, "yeah, but it's over now."

"Wait a second - what are we talking about here?" 

I dropped my fork and put my head in my hands. "I don't even know anymore." 

She rubbed my back, pursing her lips.


I had been laying on my bed for the past fifteen minutes, just staring at the cieling. 

What's wrong with me?

How come no matter what I do, I never know what I want?

Life with Michael wasn't that bad, I mean it could've been better, could've been worse. Well, actually, it could not have been better. I liked living with them. I liked his family (most of them anyhow), and I liked . . . I liked Michael. 

I like Michael. 

I'm letting a killing disease slwoly take over my boyfriend, and all I care about is that he didn't actaully tell me about it. Once again - WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

I rolled off of my bed, standing up on my feet and running downstairs. Grabbing my car keys, I ran out the front door, yelling a goodbye to my mom. I got into the car, and sped to the oh-so-familiar house. I raced to the front door, and rang the doorbell, tapping my foot in impatience. Julienne opened the door, a look of shock covering her face. 

"November! So nice to see you, dear!" She chirped, pulling me into a hug. 

"You too. Uh, is Michael here?" I asked, stuttering.

She smirked. "Of course. He's in his room, go on up."

"Thank you!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs and towards his room. I knocked on his door, once again impatiently waiting for him to answer. After a few moments, he opened the door, the same look as his mom's covering his face when he saw me.

"Novem-" he started, getting cut off when I forced my lips upon his. He placed his hands on either of my hips and pulled me in closer to him. 

This is where I belong.

(a/n: you can guess what happens next but im not writing it lol so it's all up to your imagination)


I looked up at Michael, who had his eyes lightly closed, his soft breathing creating small snores sounding from his lips as he slept. I was drawing with my fingertips all of the details that lined his perfectly sculpted chest. He let out a little snore, and with that, his eyes fluttered opened. They flickered to look down at me.

"Hey, gorgeous," he placed a light kiss on my forehead.

"Sup," I nodded my head upwards once, making him chuckle. 

"You're cute," he laughed.

I laughed, letting out an embarrassingly loud snort, making him laugh. "No," I giggled, "no I'm not. You heard that, right?" 

"It made you ten times cuter," he poked my nose.

I laughed, scrunching up my nose and shaking my head.

I rested my head against his chest, closing my eyes for a second or two, before I remembered that I had to ask him something. I lifted my head up, noticing that he was looking down at me, a small smile gracing his lips.

"I have a question," I chirped, cocking my head to the side.


Don't ask him! You're going to ruin everything!

Ignoring my conscious, I asked, "Who was that . . . guy that you sent to give me your flowers?"

Michael gave me a confused look until I saw the realization float through his eyes. "Oh, that was my cousin! Why?"

"He was . . ." I started, unable to finish.

"Was he weird?" He looked up at the ceiling.

"Uh, yeah. Real . . . real weird." I muttered, letting my head fall back onto his chest.



*pulls hair out*

take me out of the oven bc i am so done.


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