•during• Chapter Six

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|Nova Kingston|

"So," Tiana stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth as she spoke. "Are you gonna tell me why you cancelled on me last night or . . . ?"

"Oh . . ." I mumbled. "I went on a date," shrugging, I pressed pause on the remote to the DVD player and stood up.

Tiana began coughing and choking on the popcorn that was in her mouth and she breathe out a 'what?' in disbelief.

I frowned. "Is it that hard to believe?"

"Babe," she sighed, "you're gorgeous. I'm honestly not surprised at the fact that someone took you on a date. But who? I mean, you're married now, so you won't have as much freedom with Michael all up your butt and whatnot." She gasped, "Was it Michael?"

"Firstly, please do not say that Michael is up my butt with all of this shit, because by my judgement and his past reputation, he will actually try to be and I don't want that thank you very much. Secondly, yes it was Michael."

"I don't know if I should think of this as cute or strangely random," she sighed. "Where'd he take you? A frat house?"

I snorted, "No, but then again I'm surprised he didn't. He took me to the zoo."

"Aw," Tiana squealed. "That is so fucking cute! How was it? Was it amazing? Or did he try to lock you in a cage with a dangerous animal? Or did you try to lock him in a cage with a dangerous animal? You have to tell me these things babe!"

I let out a short laugh. "Tiana, chill. It was . . . Okay, I guess. I mean, he was nice and it was nice and everything, but it was just so out of the blue random. I think he's planning something or something, I don't know."

"And you're telling me to chill . . ." With a raised eyebrow, Tiana began mumbling under her breath. "Maybe your mom told him--"

"She better not have told him about the--"

"I think she did." She sighed.

"He can't know, no. It'll ruin his mother." I muttered.

Tiana's eyes widened. "His mother? What the flipping fuck? Why are you worried about his mom? Are you two like, lesbian lovers or something? Am I missing something here?!"

"No," I groaned before telling her the whole story as to why I agreed to marry Michael Kingston.


I watched as the waves crashed onto the sandy beach before they drifted back to where they came from; the ocean. The ocean that seemed so blue, it was almost surreal. Soon enough, after watching the waves for awhile, I felt a hand grab mine and lace our fingers together. Looking to my left, I smiled at Michael who was sitting there beside me.

"So," he cleared his throat, "how's it, um everything going?"

I chuckled. "Everything's . . . Okay, thanks. I just," I shook my head, "I don't know. Good."

He let out a short laugh. "Alright then, what's up? Something wrong?" He shifted his body so that he was now sitting to face me.

I frowned, looking back up at the large blue body of water. "Nothing necessarily. I mean," I sighed, "you're a very confusing person. And I'm a very awkward and forward person. Why me?"

"Besides our moms setting us up? I don't know. Every guy in our school seems to want you, and I just wanted to have you not only to make them jealous but also to see what makes you so amazing. Amazing enough to have all of these guys falling at your knees." He chuckled, looking over to his left. I followed his gaze, seeing a group of guys about a hundred feet away looking and pointing in our direction.

"Oh. Really? Well, um, have you figured it out yet?" I asked, awkward.

"Figured out what?" He blinked, frowning at me.

I let out a short laugh. "You said that I was amazing and you wanted to find out what made me so amazing."

"Oh, right, uh yes I did figure it out."


"Everything about you is amazing. You're beautiful, smart, funny and quirky and I love it." He played with his fingers. "I think I'm starting to . . . Nevermind."

"What? You're starting to what?" I asked curiously.

He glanced up at me and didn't waste another minute before his lips crashed onto mine.



so sorry for the late update, I hope you like it though and I'll be giving y'all a teaser of the next chapter just for waiting with me this long :) love you guys

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Teaser: Michael spills some secrets and something tragic might just happen ;)

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