during Chapter Nine

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|Nova Kingston|

"November, honey, what would you like for lunch?" Julienne asked me as I stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing  my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Uhm," I mumbled, shrugging. "Anything is good, thank you."

"Of course! You are family now, after all." She winked, before she walked over to the refridgerator and started getting ingredients out to cook. 

Michael and I had woken up about an hour ago and throughout this hour, we just laid there, enjoying each others company. He had decided to go take a shower about five minutes ago, which led me to the decision that I should come downstairs. 

Julienne turned away from the stove and leaned against the counter, her arms crossed and her eyes trained on me. 

"So," she began, puckering her lips. "Nova. You do remember why I asked you to marry my son, correct?" 

"Yes ma'am." I nodded.

"Then you would remember the part where I said I wanted Michaels behavior to show some change in it, right?"

"Uh," I shifted in my seat, "yes."

"Well, I have noticed no change in his behavior, and it's starting to concern me."

"Mrs. Kingston, your son is not a bad -"

Just then I was interrupted by Michaels dad entering the kitchen with a loud greeting. "Hello, dear. November," he nodded towards me in acknowledgement. "How are you?"

"I'm great, thanks. And you?"

"Good, thank you!" He chirped. "So," he picked up an apple from the cowl of fruit that sat on the kitchen table. "What are you two talking about?"

"Well, honey, I was about to tell her about our final decision on thier marraige." Julienne clenched her jaw. 

"Well, shouldn't we wait until we have both the husband and the wife in the room?"

"What news?" I quieried. 

Julienne held up her index finger towards me and turned to her husband. "I was thinking we could tell one and that one could tell the other."

"Who can tell who what?" Michael entered the conversation as well as the kitchen, running his hands through his hair. 

"Nothing," both parents grunted at the same time.

Michael got a taken aback look on his face, before muttering "Well then," and taking the seat next to mine. 

I felt his fingers interlace with mine under the table, making a small smile appear on his face. I looked over towards his parents, who were still bickering. 

"Mom, just tell us. We have places to be." Michael complained.

His mom frustratedly sighed and rolled her eyes. " Michael, this girl has been doing nothing for you! We've noticed no change in your behavior and it's not alright. You need to start acting more responsible or . . ." 

"Or?" Michael prodded.

"This girl?" I huffed.

"Or, we want you two to have a child." 

If I would've had a drink in my mouth it would have been on the floor at this moment. 

"What?!" Michael and I shrieked at the same moment. 

"It's the only way your behavior will show some sort of change! You're too irresponsible for an eighteen year old boy! Grow up!" 

"Ever seen those teen pregnancy shows? Yeah, I don't want Nova to end up on one!" Michael shouted.

I rested my head on thier kitchen table as I felt dizziness overcome me, and it took a few moments before everything turned black.




ah, what did i say? Love me? Love me not? hope it's the first one otherwise that'd be awlkard << i'm a great speller. *awkward bc you kind of like my book soooooooo c: thanks for all the reads and votes, guys! I really appreciate it and i always look forward to your sweet comments. please vote comment and fan :))))) have you ever noticed that the grammar and my writing and capitalization and shutff in my a/ns are awful and lazy and shit? (: hahaha 

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