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CoffeeBoy: Uh yeah, you're one of Katrina's friends right? I just checked your Twitter

LustreLux: Yep, so what do you think about Katrina? Are you single? Do you want kids? Married? Occupation? Age? Location?

CoffeeBoy: Really sweet and lovely, yes, yes, No, soccer player, 29, and I travel around.

LustreLux: So far you are passing my test, congrats.

CoffeeBoy: Did Katrina put you up to this?

LustreLux: No, actually, she doesn't even know this is occurring so don't tell her cause she's be pissed. But it'd be kind of funny

CoffeeBoy: Not really cause I'd have to take the wrath 😂

LustreLux: Yeah... Exactly... It'd be hysterical! Anyway, one more question.

CoffeeBoy: What?

LustreLux: What are you doing RN?

CoffeeBoy: Right now? I'm heading to a tattoo shop

LustreLux: WHAT?! are you texting while driving

CoffeeBoy: No! I'd never. My friend is driving me

LustreLux: Does Katrina know you're getting another one?

CoffeeBoy: How'd you know I already had one?

LustreLux: She maybe told me...

CoffeeBoy: I figured lol, and yeah, she knows I'm getting one, she just doesn't know what. I'll send her one after its done.

LustreLux: Sounds good. What is it?

CoffeeBoy: A flower

LustreLux: A flower? Uh okay. Interesting, well I'll let you go. I won't get in between you and your girlfriend

CoffeeBoy: uh we aren't dating... That I know of. Are we? Cause-

LustreLux: AYE NOT SO FAST. you have to get through me first. BYE

Katy closed the chat before he could respond as Katrina had her arms crossed on top of her chest

"You were talking to Leo weren't you?" Katrina was trying not to laugh as Katy already was

"Yes I was. But I got really good valuable information. I promise it wasn't for nothing. Here I'll show you the chat, I'm married! So, I'm not trying to pick him up or something." Katy laughed as She threw her the phone.

Katrina was waiting for the video she was uploading to go public

"A flower?" Katrina said "Interesting, I can't wait to see it, at least he's single and..."

Katrina scrolled more and gasped while hitting Katy playfully "You told him that I was his girlfriend! You're so crazy, I hate you sometimes."

Katy was dying laughing "It was so worth it!"

The video was already uploaded and Katrina tweeted about it

Queen_Katrina: Hey guys! Just posted a video! I got a really big surprise from someone! 🙌🎉📦 Check it out!

Responses were so sweet. But Katrina was so happy and focused on how amazing Leo was, that she forgot to edit the part out where she talked about him, which Made viewers suspicious yet eager to find out who he was. Most questions were about Leo which Katrina didn't mind.

After a couple hours of hanging out with Katy and shooting videos with each other, Katrine received a message from Leo

CoffeeBoy: Ready to see my new Tattoo?

Queen_Katrina: You're making me so nervous! Sure, show me, just send it as quick as ripping off a bandaid!

CoffeeBoy: Don't say that! I hope you like it



Queen_Katrina: Is that what I think it is?

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Queen_Katrina: Is that what I think it is?

CoffeeBoy: Yep

Queen_Katrina: Is that?

CoffeeBoy: Yep

Queen_Katrina: it's an actual buttercup isn't it?

CoffeeBoy: Yep

Queen_Katrina: That is the sweetest thing ever

CoffeeBoy: I'm just glad you aren't angry

Queen_Katrina: Why TF would I be angry! I'm almost to tears!

CoffeeBoy: I'm glad you like it, I really liked what you said the other day and I know I shouldn't be so negative all the time, it's annoying. I need to start enjoying life. I thought this would be a good reminder.

Queen_Katrina: I think so too ❤️

YALL WERENT READY FOR THAT WERE YA! Anyway 😁 Go follow Kara_Lawrence and BeyHiveForLife for being awesome and having great stories. XOXOXOXO

Suck It Up Buttercup: Lionel MessiWhere stories live. Discover now