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At the end of the night, Robert came to surprise Kara and they hung out the entire time. Leaving Katrina to chit chat with the other people at the party and thank them for coming, and little things like that.

She met up with Ryan once more but avoided him as best as possible, honestly, she didn't even know who invited him.

Both of the couples, Katrina expected them to have a long night together and she didn't want to see neither of them make out ,so she drove herself home. The streets of New York near her house were remotely quiet. She made her way to the elevator and put the key in the door for her apartment.

She threw her heels on the ground, as they made a noise. She took a shower and put her PJS on. She was still quite awake so she continued to watch stranger things without Leo.

It was a different time zone on the other side of the world, Leo posted pictures of their recent win on Instagram as Katrina hesitated to like it. She checks her messages and they were completely blown up.

Leo ❤️⚽️: We're you talking to Ryan?

Leo ❤️⚽️: What is this champagne popping business

Leo ❤️⚽️: Where are you?

Leo ❤️⚽️: You know I love you but you looked insanely hot and I didn't want anyone all over you, that's like my job.

Leo ❤️⚽️: I know you're on your phone. It's like your nightly routine. Just please answer me.

There were plenty more texts from a couple minutes ago so Katrina just decided to FaceTime him, she wanted to see him face to face rather then a telephone call.

"Conor, we're in the same room! And I'm cooking dinner, stop texting me."

Just then, Conor came running in back of her like a child and wrapped his arms around her waist, as Katrina put the cutting knife down. Wiping her hands on her pajama shorts. Conor shoved his phone in front of her face.

"Look! Look at the puppy!"

He showed her the Corgi shaking it's butt and jumped up and down excitedly

"Oh please Katrina! I want one, if your don't want kids yet at least let's get the puppy"

Katrina looked at him and thought about it

"Yeah, I guess so, why not! Look up some places, it'll keep you from texting me at least, just please stop."

He laughed and walked away.

He picked up and was ready to completely criticize her about tonight but she wouldn't have it. It was her time to speak, not his and she was standing her ground. So before he could speak, she stated

"Leo did you know what day that was?"

"Yeah, the day we might have to end our relationship from you cheating on me but other then that, no I don't know."

"It was my birthday and I didn't cheat"

He stared at her before coming up with a ridiculous answer

"You were clearly drunk"

"I had 4 glasses of water! You can see in the pictures, just because I pour champagne doesn't mean I drink it. And you can't argue that it's vodka because it's in an enormous glass and they don't serve it like that. And I drove home, do you think after Conor i'd have the nerve to put myself behind that wheel under the influence? Will you take the stick out of your ass for one minute and listen to me?"

Leo didn't say a word

"And I can completely put this back on you, who the hell is this Antonella chick or that other girl from the magazine? Have anything to say to that? I'm not saying you can't hang out with girls, I'm just saying before you criticize me, check yourself." She said, crossing her arms upon her chest as her phone say on the table.

"Look, I'm sorry, I'm just jealous. You're so famous and-"

"And what?!" Katrina said laughing, she continued,"You are too! Look around Leo, you're in every article, newspaper, poster, notification, tweet, snap, Leo you're everywhere! Your career is taking off. Stop focusing on me and just focus on your career. I've been taking care of myself for years!"

He leaned back on his couch "I just want to take care of you, but I can't and I'm frustrated. I mean, I missed your doctors appointments, and watching you film your videos and just the little things and I hate it so much. This is just so hard."

Katrina shook her head "No, it's not hard. Just shoot me a text once and awhile and have some trust in me. Just, I don't want to break this."

He nodded as Neymar turned off the light on Leo

"Leo go to bed, take a nap before tomorrow"

Leo said goodnight to Katrina, because it was late in New York. And hung up on her, Katrina wasn't giving up on him.

Go follow Kara_Lawrence cause she has a great new story coming out and great existing stories as well as BeyHiveForLife who's going to update soon!

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