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Leo sat in the airport with the rest of his team, hoping that Katrina would bust out of no where and he would swing her around in his arms. But he knew that hat would be highly unlikely after the events that occurred 3 weeks ago. That hadn't really talked since then, they'd send each other casual good morning and goodnight texts, but not consistently. She'd send one, maybe he wouldn't wouldn't reply and its go back and forth, sometimes it'd be the opposite way around too.

But Leo was wrong, Katrina had texted Neymar about when their departure was. After many sexual jokes and pick up lines, he finally told her and she announced that she'd be there to give him a good luck hug and a kiss before he left to travel the world.

Katrina was upset, I mean who wouldn't be. Your boyfriend of many months totally disses you. He did what every boyfriend wouldn't do, become distant. Every soccer player boyfriend would (hopefully) find out they were leaving and be up their girlfriends ass and become completely clinging. But no,

Not Leo

She arrived at The airport with her crutches, he headphones in, his baggy grey jacket on with the good up as her dirty blonde hair poked through the sides, some Ray Ban sunglasses, and a mulberry matte lipstick, an airport is like a bullseye for spotting celebrities. Especially in New York, if she dressed regularly, she would've been a target and the paparazzi would've been absolutely everywhere. So she obviously dressed more discreet.

She spotted Leo waiting around near the seats with the rest of his team and noticed she wasn't the only girlfriend there, which made her feel better hat she wasn't being clingy. This could've been a really bad and terrible idea, I mean, he could've raged out and been so angry they broke up, so Katrina didn't know what'd she be expecting.

She finally hopped over to him and tapped him on his shoulder casually

"Hey, what's up? Good luck on the field" She said as a normal tone

She was surprised that he actually recognized her in her incognito form but he did. He recognized her lushly smooth velvet lips, and definitely her physique in her tight fitting leggings.


Katrina was exploding with rage on the inside

He left her hanging off a cliff for practically a month and all he responds with is... Hey? Like in all seriousness you have to be kidding me right now!

He glared down as his plane ticket as they called his number, he stood up, grabbing his carry on luggage.

He handed her, her crutches that were decorated in flowers that she had painted on herself out of boredom as pillow pets rested on the awful cushion provided.

"Don't miss me too much okay?"

Katrina rolled her eyes "Conor I'm going on the same flight as you! Don't act like this is a damn movie! It's our honeymoon" she said, laughing at Conor's childishness.

"I know, I'm just messing with you, I'm excited for the honeymoon! Are you?" He bounced up in down as she mimicked him

"Uh, hell yeah I am! I've never been to London! I wanna bring load my suitcase up with tea so don't pack too much. Maybe I can get a tiara. Oh my gosh! I've always wanted a tiara! Okay, that's on my to do list."

They both laughed as they were being scanned

"Don't worry, you already are my princess"

Katrina blushed as her eyes were drawn to her new ring

"We are such stereotypical Americans, we need to be stopped now!" She said while playfully punching him as they boarded the plane

She looked up at Leo's eyes, and admitted to herself that she would miss waking up to them every morning

"You can call me whenever, I don't care" he said, she can tell that he was genuinely angry or upset. She looked around at all the couples who weren't acting like this.

"Sounds good love, have a good trip" she rubbed his cheek

He smiled, kissed her very quickly on the cheek and walked away.

She frowned as she pushed past the people as best as she could, she was going to use her crutch if necessary to get through the crowd. She wanted to leave that airport behind her and never ever look back. Tears ran down her cheek slowly, she wasn't sure why, she didn't feel any emotion right now. She just pretended like he was an old friend. She realized then that

That's the way it was going to be between them now.

Do you hear that? No it's not the sounds of my readers crying, it's the sound of a girls night out with BeyHiveForLife and Kara_Lawrence next chapter! Decisions will be made, love will blossom, and everyone will have one hell of a time...

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