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Katrina and Calvin hugged, even though they'd been friends for years, they still have each other butterflies every time they hugged, it was just a nervous thing they both had.

Katrina told Calvin every single possible detail about Lauren.

But unfortunately, as they were discussing, Lauren had other things to do on her agenda

Did she really want to go and work out at the gym? No, absolutely not.

Did she know that Leo was there and did she want to completely destroy Katrina's 'Oh so perfect' life? Absolutely

Lauren had her blonde hair in a high bun with leggings and a bright pink tank top. She wore full blown makeup and she plugged in her music, she wasn't listening to anything, she just wanted to make it look like she was

She saw Leo on the treadmill so she went right next to him, turning the dial to just a casual jog

She glared over at him, trying to grab his attention, since Leo was so focused, he didn't even look her way. She cleared her throat loudly, he finally made eye contact with her

"Leo? Is that you" she said, playing the dumb card

Leo was way too smart for those kind of games

"Yeah, that'd be me" he said, returning to his task

"So, how are you and Katrina?" She asked, trying to make as much conversation with him as possible, so the paparazzi could snap a pic.

"Good" he responded, trying not to roll his eyes

"That's great! You guys are so cute"

He nodded, "Katrina and I have something to do, I'll be heading." He paused and gritted through his teeth "Nice seeing you"

She smiled and grabbed his arm

"Wait" she said, stopping her machine as he gathered his stuff. She looked at the window, the paparazzi got their picture at the most perfect time for her as she looked at him again

"Actually nothing, Carry on" he pulled away, walking to his car. He didn't know what that all was about, but he knew it wasn't good.

He drove back to the apartment, thinking about Lauren's shenanigans, and he wanted nothing to do with it.

When he walked in, the last thing he expected was to see Calvin and Katrina hugging in the living room.

"Calvin?" Leo said in a questionable tone

Calvin turned around "Uh hi, there's nothing going on here, trust me, we just-"

Leo shook his head "I trust you guys- I have nothing to worry about, but if you hurt her you're dead" Leo said, waving it off.

The three of them sat down and talked about Lauren and the crazy things she's pulled over the years, it gave Katrina the chills just thinking about it.

As they were having a conversation, Katrina got a notification, surprisingly, It was a picture of Leo and Lauren.

It was definitely the last two people she'd see together, and that made her extremely shocked, why didn't he bring it up?

She showed the picture to him, saying nothing

"We just met up as a coincidence, I promise-"

Suck It Up Buttercup: Lionel MessiWhere stories live. Discover now