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"Katrina, kick the ball." Leo said for the thousandth time while rubbing his temples. It was 5:30 AM and both of them had been working out for an hour and a half at the local park. This was nothing for Leo, he had practices even earlier sometimes, but Katrina was exhausted. He made her work out like a professional

She was just starting to feel better and she just needed some sleep but now, she felt like a zombie.

Just suck it up, you're being a brat

She kicked he ball towards Leo flawlessly. He kept walking farther and farther away from her so she can learn how to kick long distance.

"Good, now run another lap"

She crinkled her forehead, huffing while feeling the sweat on her back as her messy hair clung to her sweaty face.


He blew his whistle

"You heard me! It's not gonna kill you"

She gave him the middle finger while bolting off, sneaking her iPod into her pocket to keep her concentrated. He didn't want her to listen to it because she wouldn't have it on the field. They had a group practice tomorrow but he wanted her prepared. She was his girl after all

After stopping several times for water and walking for half of the way, she made it back to Leo

"You didn't run the whole lap did you."

She was red, whether it was from the heat or maybe from her blushing. She bought Leo was incredibly hot as a coach. It was very very difficult to focus on anything to be completely honest.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" she said sarcastically

"Your gonna run another lap, I'll come with you, I don't trust you." She rolled her eyes as she ran a lap with him. He kept glaring over at her, making sure she wasn't dying although she definitely felt like it.

"So now, I want you to run with the soccer ball."

Being sarcastic as Katrina was, she picked up the soccer ball , put it under her arm and ran with it

"No! That's now what- whatever" she started laughing while running past him. But once she got halfway, she obeyed him.

Now it was 7:30 and many water breaks were taken with a very frustrated and attractive Leo. She rolled up her sleeves and looked over at him

"Can I get a kiss babe?" He ignored her as she poked him

"Hello?" He looked over at her and pulled her off the ground and held up the soccer ball and twirled it in his hand.

"If you want to kiss or make out or whatever you want- I want you to make a goal."

Her jaw dropped "What? I'm not you! I can't do this! This is ridiculous, I'll try my best out there in two days. I got it, I'm exhausted!"

Leo stared at her, he looked a little disappointed that she gave up easily. And on the opposing side Katrina was up for "Whatever" and kisses so she snatched the ball from him and kicked it as hard as possible but it just hit the post.

She retrieved the ball and took a deep breath, and kicked the soccer ball yet again, missing the net completely.

She had come to the realization after 27 shots that she was going to make a complete fool out of Lionel in two days. She completely sucked at soccer, and she was so upset that she was angry.

He got in her ear "You need to be aggressive, think of something that makes you really angry." He said

As she thought about how angry she was at herself that thinking that Leo acting like a dick with extremely sexy, she kicked the ball into the net roughly and got it in on the first try.

She smiled to herself, leaning towards Leo for a kiss as he put his finger up to her mouth

"If you run another lap while keeping up with kicking the ball, you can get a lot more then a kiss" he taunted as she rolled her eyes

"I hate you a lot, but... Deal!" She smirked and ran off with the ball.

If she didn't get her shit together soon she was finished

Hope you enjoyed! Please follow Kara_Lawrence and BeyHiveForLife because they have awesome stories and I really appreciate them❤️ XOXOXO

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