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Since Leo had moved in, all of Katrina's subscribers have been dying for them to do "The Boyfriend Tag" she was hesitant about it, he was as well, he was extremely camera shy. But today, she had ran out of video ideas and she figured she wouldn't be breaking up with Leo anytime soon, so now was the best time in their relationship to film the video.

But lately, Leo had been strange, he just wasn't himself. He just kept saying

"You still love me right?" At the random moments. He's asked it multiple times and Katrina always had the same answer "Of course"

She just felt that reminding him of memories and such would make him feel better in whatever he was going through.

They both sat on the bed as Katrina put the camera into focus

"I don't even know how to start this video, this is weird" she said looking at Leo

"I never have someone sit with me! I just talk to myself as he listens through the other side of the wall" She said laughing

"This is going to be a long video" he said

"Uh, for those of you who have been living under a rock, this is my boyfriend!" He gave a small wave

She smiled "Are you gonna say your name or-"

He laughed "Oh god I suck at this, but uh- hi, I'm Leo."

She grabbed her phone and looked through the questions "Okay, what was your first impression of me." She asked, looking at him

"I thought you were so chill, because I was an asshole to you and you were like completely forgiving and I was kind of questioning myself as to why."

She nodded "Yeah, I thought you were an ass, but now I know you're not and I'm glad."

He leaned over and looked over her shoulder and pointed to a question "Yeah, I don't think they know this one, first date?"

Leo laughed "Our first date was kind of a mess, I think it was an indication as to how Long we'd be staying together cause it was only one of those things that would happen to us."

Katrina nodded "It was pretty interesting"

Leo continued "We were supposed to go out for dinner, and then the reservations were screwed up at the restaurant so I had a plan B of going to the beach, but then the beach was closed, so my backup plan was to go to the park, and then they closed that for construction, so then we just spent the night at her apartment watching Netflix."

"We still do that now" she said laughing

"Next question is, if I have a weird obsession, what is it?"

He groaned "You do everything to the extreme"

She scoffed "That is not true, don't listen to him"

He rolled his eyes "Yes it is! You don't just watch a show, you like completely binge watch it for days. Or like when you try new makeup, you do your entire face, and then your hair, and then you get dressed when your not even going out. What else-"

She shook his arm "Okay okay! We get it, you have a weird obsession of just siting on the floor. I mean, I do the same thing but it's different. You just sit there and do nothing, I at least watch TV or something you just sit there aimlessly like-"

Katrina imitated his face as she started giggling at the thought of him

"What was the first thing you noticed about me?" She asked while pausing when he was thinking

"I'm a little nervous about this one" she said

He shook his head "Don't be! I think it was your laugh. Cause first you make this little snorting noise when you try to hold in a laugh and they you just bust out laughing and then you try to be serious again and then the process repeats over and over again." He said, as she stared at him, now trying not to laugh

"I first noticed how much of a complainer you were, he was just like "Ew work"," Ew people", "Ew friends", "Ew just everything" and I was like Gee, but in person, I think I noticed your eyes first. I think they're like my favorite part about you cause they're so cute"

"What do we argue about the most?" At the same time the both said "What to eat for dinner"

"Okay, this one is weird but, what shoe size do I wear?"

He laughed "A 7 or 8? I'm not sure, you wear the same pair of sandals or heels whenever you go out" she laughed

"It's true, I just hate having shoes everywhere, but they're nice to look at. I don't have a very big closet in my room, but I do have a larger space and that's where I put my vanity and the unicorn he got me." She said

"Wait, you still have that?" He questioned as she shook her head, pointing to the corner of the room with her unicorn as he walked over, picked it up and put it in back of them, she smiled, continuing on with the questions

"Tradition together?" She asked

"I mean, every year we decorate our Christmas tree together, but that's it. And every year both of us are too short to reach the top to put the star on so we get tired and just rest it as far up as we can get it."

She agreed "I don't know why we don't use a ladder though, maybe it's too much effort"

"What can I spend hours doing?" She asked as Leo broke out into laughter

"Me" he mumbled as she Playfully hit him

"Leo!" She yelled as they both stared into the camera, holding in laughs

"Cmon! It's true" he said, while she buried her face into her comforter

"Alright, last question, What cake would you bake me on my birthday?"

"A strawberry cake with lots of frosting and sprinkles."

"Oh That sounds good" she said pausing "if I could bake, I'd make you a chocolate cake because it's your favorite but you always argue that you can't have it because it's "unhealthy" but then I see you eating it anyways, so yeah-"

She let Leo do the ending part because it just seemed ten times cuter when he did it "If you liked this, please give it a thumbs up, and subscribe because I'm occasionally making comments to her while she films, just to let you know, she doesn't talk to herself, it's usually me in the background."

They both said goodbye and afterwards, while she was editing he turned on Netflix, for yet another one of their dates.

I thought it would be cute for them to do this tag because some things I didn't explain, and also a lot of youtubers do this, so yeah!
There will only be like three or four chapters left until the epilogue, and then I'll probably finish up Polaroids, and then I'll be focusing on the Oscar story and my other Leo story. Also, I only did a few questions because in the tag there are 30 questions and that would make a quite long chapter. Also, go follow Kara_Lawrence because her new sequel rocks, and it's so amazing! And BeyHiveForLife has a really incredible book as well!

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