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"Leo hold on- I know, I know we do, and I want to fix it, I really do, I just would like to do this face to face. This phone thing? It's fucking hard, so, whenever we can meet up at a game, I'd really like to go."

He responded immediately "Yeah, absolutely, we have a game in like 2 days, I know it's close, but I think we really need it."

She looked around at the city, it was fairly dark outside "Absolutely, I'm gonna ask a friend to come along if you don't mind, he's been out of the country more then I can count on both hands."

On the other line, Leo absolutely, without a doubt knew it was Calvin and he was cool with it, he wasn't the jealous type. If it was Ryan, he'd want to grab her through the phone, honestly.

"Sounds good, uh Katrina?"

She zoned out "Uh yeah?" She asked

"I love you" he said sweetly

She smiled "Love you too darling, good luck at practice." She both hung up as Calvin walked out, handing her a jacket

"Here you go, thanks for lunch by the way." He said as Katrina slipped on his warm grey jacket

"No problem, do you possibly want to go back to my apartment? I mean, you don't have to, it's just-"

Calvin nodded with his hands in his pocket

"Yeah definitely, I mean I don't want you to be like pressured to if you-"

"We are doing that thing again, where we are like all awkward and shit."

Calvin laughed while calling a cab

"Yeah, sorry about that, I just don't want things to be different, and I promise I'm not like trying to make a move or anything, trust me. I know you and Leo are pretty close."

Katrina stared at him "Ah, you found out about him. I actually wanted to talk to you about that, would you like to go to one of his games? Like you can totally decline, it's not a big deal."

They both got into the cab "Sure, I'll support you, but what would make you want to go to one of them out of the clear blue sky? I mean I'm not trying to invade your privacy but-"

Katrina waved him off "Don't worry about it, he just got really odd before he left to play, and I figured that I'd try to fix it face to face you know?"

He nodded "It's probably a good idea, trust me, that would suck if you guys broke up just because he traveled and was pissed about it."

Calvin didn't know if he was telling the truth, he didn't think he was going to date Katrina, not in a billion years, but after looking up Leo and following up on the news, their relationship was odd, and he didn't want her to feel upset every time he left.

Before they knew it, they were back at the apartment. Calvin was super surprised

"This place is so dope!"

Katrina smiled "Right?! All the gaming consoles are in the box next to the TV. But yeah it's pretty cool."

He sat down on the couch as Katrina put some Pajamas on, she didn't wear any makeup for the day so she didn't have to worry about washing it off.

She sat next to him "I'm kinda nervous to go to Spain in two days, but I'm glad I'm not alone." Katrina said while cleaning up little things around the house. She led Calvin to the spare room and sat down on the bed next to him

"You won't be alone, and I promise you that, it was my fault for not keeping in contact with you after Conor, I don't understand what you must've felt, and I'm sorry, that was my fault and I'm the shittiest little shit to ever exist and I just can't forgive myself over it and I feel like I let you down and I'm Sorry."

Out of all the years of knowing Calvin she never thought anything that thoughtful would come out of his mouth, she hugged him

"It's not your fault, don't worry about it, what matters is we are going to tackle the problem with the lawyers and everything will- everything is going to work out."

She pulled away and was now centimeters from his lips, she stared into his eyes and blushed, pulling away

"Are you going to tell me to suck it up?"

She laughed while pushing her hair away from her face and bit her lip

"Yeah actually, you know me way to well" she got up and patted him on the bed, Calvin watched her leave while she turned off the light

"Night Cal!" She yelled

"Night Kat!" He yelled back while he buried himself in the covers

Katrina wanted to leave for Spain any minute now

Hope you enjoyed! BeyHiveForLife and Kara_Lawrence will be joining the Spain trip next chapter! They're so amazing and I love their stories as well! What do we think about Calvin? Leo? Katrina and her choices? What do you guys think?! Love you guys! XOXOXOXO

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