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The next morning, Katrina woke up to Leo as she quite literally fell out of bed. She reached for her phone on the bedside table as it fell onto her chest, missing her nose by centimeters. She rubbed her eyes, poking her eye with the only nail that was actually long because of how much she picked them.

After these events, she realized it was going to be one of those days.

She got up and did her morning routine, and sat down in front of the TV, with some cereal to watch some Cartoon Network shows before she got to work. Leo decided he was going to the gym, so he kissed her goodbye and left her by herself in the apartment. She didn't mind that at all, she knew she'd be spending a lot of time with Leo for the next couple weeks. It was a must that they had their alone time.

She sat watching Regular Show for an hour or so when she heard a knock at the door. She was so exhausted and tired from yesterday that she just yelled "Come in!" without thinking about it. But when the person responded with

"Hey dumbass I don't have a key!" She knew it wasn't Leo and her stomach did a flip

She hesitated just sitting there and doing nothing, but the best friend side in her, got up and answered the door

She was then faced with a very tired looking Calvin. He had thick purple bags under his eyes, his hair was much much messier than usual, which Katrina didn't even think was possible, his posture was droopy and his eyes were bloodshot, he was an overall mess.

Katrina tried to act tough while mumbling "Gee, and I thought I looked bad" she said, indirectly motioning him to come inside

"I think we have some unfinished business"

Katrina scoffed "Ya think" she said

He rolled his eyes "Hey, I don't know why you're getting snobby with me."

She leaned back on her heels and crossed her arms "Snobby? You have ignored me the past few days, and this is coming from the boy who says he felt like shit when he didn't' text me, the boy who said he needed to support me, be there for me, take care of me. Honestly, I don't know how you pulled that out of your ass cause you clearly didn't do that for me in the past few weeks." After saying all that, Katrina felt as though she deserved an imaginary crown on her head, she also screamed that so loud she swore she didn't have a voice for a second. She wasn't too thrilled that now, her neighbors knew her personal issues.

"We've been friends for a long damn time, I've done a lot of shit for you. I'm not being mean, I promise, You've done crap for me too, and you know that. But I have a reason to be mad."

Katrina laughed ironically "Mad? Just because you hate Leo, that's not my problem, I love him."

He got closer to her "Leo? you think Leo's my problem? My problem is with you Katrina, how dare you."

"Me? What'd I do?" She asked

"How dare you say those things about me to Kara, i've known you for probably over 20 years, you can't say shit about me behind my back and then expect me to be fine with it."

His statement hit Katrina like a ton of bricks, of course he'd be mad. If she were Calvin, she'd be fuming, upset, and disappointed. But the worse part is, he took it out of context, which makes things even worse.

"Aye! Slow your rolls, I didn't say I didn't like you, I said I didn't like you... Like that. There's a difference! Like I love you but-"

He looked confused "But you don't? Katrina, are you listening to yourself right now"

"Look, unless something happens with Leo, I like you as a friend-"

"Wait, so now, I'm your plan B? Katrina you're horrible with words"

"Wait! I'm just saying, after all these years in not going to ruin our friendship. It's not worth it, but I have a problem with you too!"

He stared at her, hinting that she needed to finish her statement

"I don't like Lauren, I think she's shady, unreliable and ready to break your heart. And yeah, I am jealous. She gets to date a really great guy, I can't have you and Leo, and I know that, I'm just having trouble leaving you behind, we have an emotional attachment to each other and its holding me back! Lauren is not the girl for you, you will find that special girl for you, and I promise you that. But, now is not the time. I will explain to you about everything but you have to have to have to trust me on this. You'll understand afterwards but please."

She saw tears pooling in his eyes as she finished

"She is ruining you and you know that, she's brain washed you by now, I don't even want to know the things she's said to you."

He turned around, his back facing Katrina

"She told me you're a pathological liar who keeps things from me, who hates me, who creates drama, who's a bitch and uses people for their money and fame."

Katrina's heart broke while listening to these things, it was like her soul practically left her

And it was all because of Conor, she was the girl in the car...

Leo will meet Lauren next chapter along with Calvin. I originally planned to write that on but the chapter would be super long so that's why I obviously didn't. I Hope you enjoyed! Go follow Kara_Lawrence and BeyHiveForLife because their stories are so lit and amazing

Let's also appreciate that wonderful post I found... #NEYMESSI 😹😹😹 THEYRE SO FUNNY

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