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Katrina couldn't sleep. That hour of sleep she got since she was home would be the only sleep she received that night. She walked around the apartment aimlessly, not knowing where to go. She wanted to get out of there but the city at night is far too dangerous. So she just turned on the TV to watch informercials or anything that was on, finding the remote was too strenuous. She had to tell Leo about everything, it was worth a shot, maybe he could help her.

So midnight slowly changed to 6:30 and 7:00 is when Leo usually wakes up. So Katrina thought she could "Fake sleep" next to him. She didn't want to be forced to take a nap during the day from Leo.

7:00 hit as Leo stretched and poked her awake. She sat up and stared at the window, making her way to the kitchen so she could settle herself enough to talk to Leo. But then she realized it was too much effort and she decided to do it right then and there. Leo looked at her and said good morning as Katrina wanted to get this done and over with.

"One day, what If I wake up and you're gone." Katrina asked, looking down in her lap

"What? That's a silly question" Leo gave out a chuckle

"It's not, please don't laugh, it's happened to me before and I don't want it to happen again"

Leo say up, obviously concerned as Katrina turned away from him

"Katrina? What's wrong?"

She let out a huff a twiddled her thumbs,"Before all of this, I was married."

She lowered her shirt and took out a chain with a ring on it

"In 2009, my husband died in a car crash, couldn't even be identified with dental records."

She had a blank look on her face, basically she has no emotion. She wasn't crying or getting Angry, she was just


"How'd it happen?" Leo asked sympathetically

"Drunk driver, which is also the reason I hate cars and hate drinking as well, it disgusts me."

He bowed his head,"I'm sorry to hear, how long were you two married?"

"Just one year, but we were high school sweethearts, his name was Conor. But, there has just been something bothering me since then."

Leo listened as she swung towards him "There was a second person in the car that night, but they closed that case so many times I lost count. And I just kept re opening it. I want to know who was in the car. Or at least who crashed into it."

Leo looked shocked "So, you think he was cheating?"

Katrina was red, he almost saw smoke coming out of her ears but she still had no facial expression

"I thought so, to be brutally honest. They said it was a woman, at first they thought it was me! But no, I'm clearly still here. Leo, why did you think I took a liking to you?"

Leo shrugged "I don't know, I don't have a clue actually. I was just a ball of negativity."

Katrina looked at him in the eyes "Exactly, I saw myself in You. I thought if I couldn't help myself, I could help you, you know?"

Leo shook his head while hugging her "I thought I could trust my best friend Lauren but I couldn't. She told the press everything just to get a big break, from how long we were together down to everything that happened that night. She posted headlines everywhere before I got to say anything. I hate the press, I hate the headlines it's so frustrating. I woke up this morning to a headline saying "Katrina Sawyer, getting rid of her past and throws it away for a new boyfriend" I will never ever forgive her for that. Getting too close to anyone hurts more then someone stabbing you repeatedly or shooting you point blank. I loved that boy, and I know he loved me too, but anyone else? I don't know. I've opened that case again, several times for 7 years already but no one will keep up with me, I want justice. But all I get is pieces of the car or just dead ends. There's not even a grave site. So tell me Leo? Why does it have to be this way? And your answer is nothing. And I know that. I've heard it plenty of times. I'll move on eventually, when we catch the guy I'll feel slightly better. Conor didn't deserve it at all. He wouldn't hurt the wing on a fly. He was all puppies and roses. I've never seen him angry or mad, so what makes it right, what makes it justified, to close a case with no ending? It's not right. So every year at that time, in the day, at 7:46 PM that occurred on a Sunday I'm a miserable mess. But it's my fault because that palette is not just a palette, it's him. It's everything he's taught me, everything I've learned and experienced and how I've grown. I shouldn't have bickered with him that week so much about have kids it's so petty. And I was so stupid to do that. So yeah, I am just a little bitter."

Now Katrina had tears rolling down her cheeks. Something hit Leo like a ton of bricks, everything fit like a puzzle piece now, everything made sense. The water color pastel packaging, the unicorns, the names, her necklace. Everything made sense to him now, he understood.

"The unicorns? Was that Conor's doing"

She nodded and smiled a bit "I thought you'd never ask, he always told me "Katrina, There's only one unicorn and one of you. Your one in a million Katrina, don't let anyone tell you or treat you different. You're my unicorn in a world of horses." And it was so corny! I hated it, but everything makes sense now."

Leo was silent, he let her ramble on and on "If I could turn back time I wouldn't have said those things to him about kids. Sometimes I just think we should've had them so everytime I look at them I'd see him. But sometimes I don't because I'd be sick to my stomach with disgust."

Leo shook his head "No you wouldn't, I know you."

She sat up from laying in his lap,"What? what do you mean?"

"You wouldn't save him, I know you wouldn't. You're upset, bitter, pissed off, and angry because you think or deep down you know he cheated."

This time, Katrina was silent

"I just need an answer" she mumbled

"I know, and I'll help you. Just give me a chance. I promise you, I will take care of you so well, I promise on my buttercup. But for now, just relax and I'll grab us breakfast, one thing at a time love, okay?"

She shook her head and kissed him "You always know what to say dear, but there's one question I need to ask."

He looked confused as she responded chuckling a bit

"Do you really like coffee, CoffeeBoy?"

He laughed "Not as much as you think I do but I enjoy it. I knew you'd snap back."

She grinned "It's kinda my thing nowadays."

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it was sad but I just needed to connect the dots. The next chapter will be better, I promise! Follow Kara_Lawrence because I love her stories and she's an amazing person! And follow BeyHiveForLife as well because her story is wonderful to and she's so kind!

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