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The game wasn't even two minutes in and-

"Robert Lewandowski scores!" The commentators say over the loud speaker

Katrina throws her hands up while watching the other team and his girlfriend Kara celebrate.

"What the fuck!" Katrina says making a face as she looks at Leo

"We literally just got out here! How did he?!-"

Leo waved his hand "We'll get them back later"

They had warmed up beforehand and everything was great, but now, millions of people were gazing at them. On the other team was Robert Lewandowski and his extremely famous wife, Kara Lewandowska. She was a taekwondo that has competed in the Olympics many times. She never came home without a gold medal and never lost a match. Katrina and her had crossed paths a couple times but nothing major.

If it that didn't make matters worst that Katrina was NOT the most in athletic person on the field, In the audience was Alexandra, who had been in an on and off relationship with Sergio Ramos and had designed clothing for many celebrities, including Beyoncé. Katrina only dreamed of working with her.

They ball was flying back and forth but mostly stayed on Barcelona's side which made them very nervous. Leo and Katrina both sent each other frustrating glares throughout the game.

Mostly because some girlfriend from the Bayern Münich game was getting way to into the game and pulled on Katrina's shirt and basically anyone's shirt throughout the game, making Katrina want to absolutely annihilate and obliterate her to pieces. But she knew that was far from the truth.

After the intermission period was over, Kara scored another goal, practically across the field, mesmerizing everyone and having the crowd roar. Causing Katrina to put her hands on her face. The Barcelona team was stunned at their defeat.

But somehow, 85 minutes in, Katrina found herself bolting towards the goal as she started to slow down, getting tired and worried someone was trailing her. But she heard Leo in her head

You just need to be aggressive, think of something that makes you really angry

She thought of everything

Leo will leave you one day once he gets famous

5 feet

You don't have a real job

3 feet

Conor cheated on you and you know it

Katrina didn't know she scored until the buzzer rang and people were hugging her. She felt a small cracking sensation throughout her ankle but pushed it aside. She was too caught up in her own thoughts. Eventually, She was left with only Leo on her, hugging her tight and kissing her neck as she felt like she had no breath all of a sudden

"Leo I think I hurt my ankle"

"What?" His face went red and he started to wave a medic cover as she slapped his hand

"Leo if you call the Medic over I will kick you where the sun doesn't shine on national television"

He didn't know how to respond so he played along, carrying her off into the tunnel as the whole team followed shouting. She felt the pain hitting here as it was unbearable. The only thing that was keeping her from hitting the floor was Leo.

She sat on the nearest bench to catch her breath as Leo bent down

"Are you okay"

She gave a scrunchy face and a thumbs up

"I'll take that as "You're suffering and since you're so hard headed and stubborn you won't admit it.""

She looked up at him

"You know, you could've left it at "I'm suffering" you twerp"

Everyone finally caught up to them as the couple drew attention

"What happened to you? You just scored a goal" Neymar asked as his girlfriend clung to him, he slapped Katrina's back as her eyes went wide and she jerked forward in pain

"She hurt her ankle" Leo said like a concerned parent

Gerard rolled his eyes,"We didn't even win!"

"Shhh! I did not!"

Leo mouthed 'Did too' as he picked her up again

"Hey! Put me down! I wanna go home"

"We are! Forget your shit and I'm taking you to the hospital"

"Ooh you cursed" Katrina said, waving a finger at him jokingly

She heard Marc talking in the back "How the hell did the two most difficult people in the world, find each other to date? Unbelievable those two"

She slapped Leo's back "Wait, wait, wait I have to talk to Kara."

He put her down immediately, giving her an "Are you insane?" Look

"She's an old friend, I just want to talk to her about something, screw my ankle for a second, I just need to talk to her."

He shook his head in understanding "Fine, I'll walk over with you"

She didn't turn his offer down as she made her way across the field as Kara spotted her in confusion

"Katrina? Is that you?"

Katrina gave an awkward wave "Uh yeah actually, how's everything? Oh and congrats! Bye the way, gosh where are my manners?"

Kara laughed while giving her a hug
"Thank you so much! We haven't talked in awhile. Look at you! Traveling the world, fans, a cute boyfriend"

Katrina rubbed the back of her neck and glared back at Leo who stared aimlessly at the trophy and the million dollar check

"Yeah actually, he's great. We should hang out sometime?"

Kara jumped up and down "Of course! Sounds great, I don't have my phone obviously but I'll find you on some form of social media probably."

Katrina nodded while giving her another hug, from the VIP box, Katrina didn't noticed Alexandra was coming down to meet her with her security guards.

"Katrina?" Katrina turned around weakly as she went pale. She went into instant fangirl mode

"Oh my gosh! You're! You! Hi, I'm Katrina, big fan, oh god, hi" Katrina smiled while shaking Alexandra's hand non stop.

Alexandra laughed "Nice to meet you too, I followed you on Twitter and such, just give me a ring okay?"

Katrina shook her head as she walked away, leaving her star struck. Fans of hers roared as she left, sticking their hands up.

Leo looked at Katrina "Thats enough walking for you, cmon, we are leaving"

Katrina didn't argue but something was different with Leo

In a bad way

Whether it was the loss or something, he just wasn't right. Katrina was almost psychic when it came to him, she knew him better then a book. Just then she heard him say

"Remind me to tell you something, I really have to talk to you about some stuff."

It just didn't end for her

Hmm what does Leo have to say? Kara_Lawrence and BeyHiveForLife will return soon! So stay tuned lol! Hope you enjoyed XOXOXOXO

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