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About 7 hours later, a lot of naps, tweets, snap chat posts, and a lot of laughing from Calvin, Kara and Alexandra, had arrived in Spain.

The flight was absolutely grueling and the crying babies made Katrina want to absolutely stab her eyes out. Her and Calvin made a pact that neither of them would have kids, ever. Katrina didn't really like kids, she always thought they were annoying, probably because she was soured from the many flights.

While Kara had to disagree, she was actually pregnant with her first child, she actually just found out the other day but had to come up with a creative and interesting way to tell Robert, she was planning so much.

Alexandra on the other hand, was excited to see Sergio and dreamed of having kids with him, she definitely knew he was going to propose soon since he was dropping hints like crazy.

Both of them wanted Katrina to be happy, but with this nonsense with Leo, they weren't sure. And this Calvin guy seemed sketchy. It's not that they didn't like him,  they just rather see her with Leo.

They all got their luggage and walked together out of the airport

"So when was the last time you've been here?" Katrina asked, knowing Calvin was a usual traveler

"Just a few months ago actually. The last place I been was Egypt, and before that, Japan."

Both Kara and Alexandra found it fascinating.

"How was Egypt? The pyramids must've been stunning right?" Kara asked

He nodded while he adjusted his backpack and put his headphones around his neck

"Yeah! They were incredible, the worst things about these trips are leaving."

They walked out of the airport and walked to the hotel, it was only about a block away. The boys were playing against Real Madrid and it made both Alexandra and Katrina nervous. Both of their significant others were playing so it was hard to support a side, even though they both knew who they were going for.

Calvin wasn't really into sports so this whole soccer game didn't really make sense to him. But soccer and Leo made Katrina happy and that made him happy, so that was a plus.

The hotel was stunning, it was 5 stars so she didn't expect anything less to be completely honest. They all checked in and had separate rooms.

Katrina did her makeup quickly while changing into her Messi jersey and put on some white shorts.

She didn't want to be late either so she made it out of her room quickly and accidentally walking in on a shirtless Calvin

"Oh god, sorry! I thought that was Alexandra's room!" Katrina shouted after slamming the door

Calvin provided a snide comment "Yeah of course you did, I know your lying!" Calvin said while laughing

"Sorry" Katrina said hysterically laughing so much she was crying.

Alexandra tapped her on the shoulder as Katrina looked at her Real Madrid jersey.

"Don't fall for him..." She said sternly as Katrina shot her a nervous smile.

The four of them left the building, heading off to the stadium as Katrina had butterflies fluttering insanely in her stomach. She couldn't stop picking her nails or shifting in her seat.

Once they arrived the game was a roller coaster that Katrina just wanted to get off of as soon as possible. She was so nervous she often rested her head in the crook of Calvin's neck once the game tied 1-1. When something exciting happened she also tugged on his Messi jersey.

Suck It Up Buttercup: Lionel MessiWhere stories live. Discover now