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In Katrina's apartment, she had a breakfast bar, so Leo and her sat together as she wrote down her Dunkin Donuts order.

"So you just want an everything bagel toasted with butter, a coffee cake muffin and an apple juice?" Leo repeated as she nodded, resting her head on her right hand.

Leo noticed she was at least 75% happy, but he knew what would make her happier

"How about when I come back we'll watch that show on Netflix that you've Been wanting to watch." Leo said, standing up while rubbing her shoulders

She immediately was beaming "Stranger Things? Sure! I'd love to"

She kissed him goodbye as she headed to the bathroom to wash her face off. She received a text from Katy

Katy: Hey Hun, were you okay? You weren't yourself last night. Everything okay with Leo? 😕

She was hesitant to respond. The only person who knew about Conor used to be just Katrina, now it was Leo too. Katy and Desi didn't know, she didn't think they'd understand

Katrina: Yeah, everything is great! He's the best ☺️ I will say that I don't know how I'd live without him, he's my savior ❤️

Katy: Yay! I'm so glad! You guys are perfect for each other, hence why I was worried something happened 😹

Katrina: Nah, it's cool, I gtg. He brought back breakfast 🙌

Katy: Damn, he is good. My own husband doesn't do that. I'm gonna drag him out to breakfast... Gtg too! 😘

She changed into fresh pajamas, and let her hair down. For the most part it was straight but today, it was a little curly. By the time she did that, Leo was back with breakfast and they joined each other on the couch. The cuddled up next to each other, Leo hated scary shows or movies. It should've been the other way around but Katrina doesn't scare easily.

So when the first scene of the show came on, he grabbed Katrina tight as she laughed. They finished half of the series, having little chats in between.

"Do you ever think about settling down?" Leo asked out of the blue

Katrina paused the TV and shuffled on the couch to look at him

"Of course, I'd love to, I don't want it stay in the city forever, it's just for work. Why? Do you?"

He shrugged,"Maybe, with my job it might get a little difficult with all the moving but I think I could swing if for you. Cause, I think your the right person."

Katrina rolled her eyes laughing "Your such a flirt! But I like it." She kissed him quickly

"It's true! Also, I have another question"

Katrina held her breath for a second "Leo I swear if you propose I will jab this butter knife into you."

He sat up "No! No, no, of course not. We've only been together for a few months but, FC Barcelona is holding a charity event, and I want you to come. You don't have To, I understand if you're busy." He rubbed the back of his neck

"Sure! I'd love to, what is it?"

If he told her it was a boyfriend girlfriend soccer match she might die, he knew how much she hates athletics. She didn't think she was good enough for it.

"It maybe is a charity boyfriend, girlfriend game."

She looked at him blankly "What? Leo! You know I'm a weak as all hell. I mean, that was like my weakness as a kid! You can't be serious."

"I promise I'll teach you, and we'll be together! We will just be playing against another team, Katrina please!"

She groaned "Okay, okay fine, I'll do it."

This was going to be a lot of fun for Leo.

Hope you enjoyed! Follow Kara_Lawrence and BeyHiveForLife bc I love them both and they're awesome. BeyHiveForLife also has a new update out so go check it out!

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