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Katrina's Twitter has never blown up so much in her 5 years of doing YouTube. Everyone was commenting, tweeting, liking screenshots of the video on Instagram, tweeting her, etc. The video just blew up on the Internet and was even trending on Twitter. Shakira even tweeted Gerard! She was so happy with the results of the video and the boys won their first game on Saturday.   Katrina was there to witness many cheers and multiple sweaty hugs and she wouldn't take that moment back for a second.

But today was her makeup palette photo shoot and in 3 days, the release party would begin. She picked out the colors, the names and everything. She even drew the packaging for it. Everything was made by her and she was so proud to say it. But there was only one thing about the entire release that she absolutely dreaded and want to die

The photoshoot

The fact that she'd have to wear clothes that people who don't even know her picked out for her made her feel weird. People would be touching her face and hair and it was hot with all the blow drying and straightening, and don't even get her started on curling irons. She just wasn't all about the glam life. She didn't want photos of her smiling, she'd rather take a selfie in her own home then have people poking and prodding at her for six or more hours. It was just terrifying to think about. So she brought along some moral support, Katy and Desi, they've gone to dozens.

So Katrina went to the photoshoot in her pajamas, a white tank top and black shorts with no makeup and Desi and Katy riding with her in the backseat with full glam and high end clothing.

Katrina had no idea how any of them were friends.

She arrived at the building which looked like a brick hipster Tribeca feel, probably because they were in New York City. Since Desi and Katy had to leave early, they would be taking her car and Leo would drop her off back at home.

Katrina gripped the steering wheel, thankful she got from location A to B without an issue. She had an immense issue with cars, she just didn't like them. But she had bigger things to worry about, like the grin she'd have to paste on her face, and be fake for quite a bit. But it didn't matter, she was grateful for the opportunity.

She got out of the car and walked into the building, twiddling her thumbs nervously and Desi and Katy were attempting to poke fun of her. Immediately, a swarm of people started touching her, a hair stylist and makeup artist put a robe on her and started doing her makeup while wardrobe people asked her questions about sizing and such.

They finally decided on an outfit. It was white dress with straps going down the middle. It was better then the white corset that they originally picket that she turned down very quickly. She had natural dirty blonde hair, and they wouldn't dye it so they just chalked it with muted rainbow colors. Her makeup was done extremely sparkly as well.

She stepped up to the white backdrop as photographers lined up to take photos of her, she gave him a deer in the headlights look but then she spotted Katy who gave her a thumbs up and a smile.

"All we need you to do is give us a big smile, throw around confetti and look like you're having fun okay?"

Katrina nodded, as if it sounded real simple. But it was a lot harder then everyone thought, sparkles were everywhere, it was sticky and hot, but it was over quickly and that's what mattered. She just wanted to leave so she didn't even bother taking off her makeup and wardrobe. She headed straight towards Leo's black jeep.

She felt so weird, were they a thing? I guess she was about to find out. She gave a small wave as he rolled down his window

"Hey" she said with a small smile

"Wow, you're... Sparkly" she laughed nervously as she got into the car

"Actually? Can I drive? I don't want to bother you."

Leo rubbed the back of his neck "Uhm yeah I guess, if you really want to." He said a bit confused. They switched sides as she took a deep breath, and then she looked at Leo.

Before she can say anything else he pulled her closer and kissed her, tangling his hands in her hair. They both pulled away after a bit

"I was wondering when you'd do that" she asked as he laughed, looking a bit embarrassed

"Hey, don't give me that smirk, I was counting on you to make that move" she said, tapping the steering wheel with her hands

"I figured, you were, do you wanna grab something to eat or?" Leo asked politely

"Uhm, i'd love to but, it's been a long day and I just don't feel like going out, it's just-"

"It's really okay Katrina, it's not a big deal. Don't worry about."

She shook her head, Leo Could've sworn he saw tears "No, no, I really want to, it's just-"

"Katrina, it's really fine, don't worry about it. We'll hang out some other time. Okay princesa?" He said, laying a reassuring hand on her shoulder

"Yeah, that sounds great actually." She said smiling.

Hope you enjoyed... There is more to Katrina then meets the eye... But anyway, go follow Kara_Lawrence and BeyHiveForLife because they're super sweet and awesome and I love em both!

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