1 ~ Not So Typical

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My name is Maya Hart. John Quincy Adams High is my school. Or as I'd like to call it, the Hell hole. As you can tell, I'm not so fond of school, unlike my best friend Riley. She's so bubbly and happy. She believes that there's always a good that can come out of something, when there's nothing to hope for. Well, hope is for suckers right?

"Maya!" I hear as the sound of metal slamming follows behind.

"Yes Riley?" I ask.

"We survived our first years through highschool! Aren't you excited!"

"I would be, I really would be." I sarcastically remarked.

"Awe common Maya! Only two more years and we're out of this place!" Riley said with a bright smile.

I shake my head and laugh.

"Don't know if I can last that long honey." I pet her shoulder.

She pouts but giggles. She and I continue out way towards homeroom and she abruptly stops.

"I totally forgot that I had to go meet up with Charlie!" She exclaims.

"Gardner?" I ask.

She nods her head and goes about on her way. I laugh as she's scurrying down the hall, passing every one staring at her or merely moving out of her way. What a dork. Well that dorks my best friend so, I can live with it. As I continue my way to homeroom, I hear the front doors open and turn my head to see a golden sight.

A tall brunette boy struts down the halls as he looks at every girl smiling at him. He winks or smiles at all he sees. Joshua Matthews. Or Josh, Riley's uncle. Yes. That's right, the heartthrob of the school is Riley's uncle. Beside him is another heartthrob who went from geek to chic real quick in the past year. Farkle Minkus is his name. He didn't mind all the girls that were all over him. He probably didn't notice them as they all tried to get his attention. On the other side of Josh was another tall light haired guy. Lucas Friar. Another hottie that roams the school, but unlike Josh, he also didn't mind all the girls that went after him.

The golden boys. The guys every girl wants to date and every boy wants to be or at least be friends with. I couldn't stand them. They all seemed rude and cocky. I tried to avoid them as much as I could. Then, on this unexpected day. That wasn't the plan.

"Maya, right?" I heard behind me.

Oh great. The golden boy himself.

"Yeah. What's it to you dude?" I say, my eyebrow slightly raised.

We stood in front of a deserted classroom. I leaned to my side, not knowing why I'm talking to this guy but his nervousness amused me. Why was he nervous anyway?

"Look, I need to ask you something." He said slowly.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. He seemed as if he was regretting something.

"Yeah? And what's in it for me?" My eyebrows raised again.

"Well, I*"

"Joshy!" We both heard from behind me.

A tan skinned girl with bouncing curls, skipped towards Josh. She pushed me out of the way as she smiled brightly at him, not acknowledging my presence at all.

"Oh, hey Sierra" Josh said uncomfortably.

"It's Sophie." She smiles flirtatiously.

"Yeah um, I'm busy now but, call me later?" Josh says, whispering into her ear, but loud enough for me to hear.

"Yes, totes. Call me later" She giggles as she skips away.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Sally"

"Its Sophie!" She exclaims before turning the corner and skipping away even more.

Can this chick get a life?

"So." I hear, shaking me from my thoughts.

Oh yeah. Josh was still here.

"So. The favor?" I ask.

"Yeah, so um..."

He trails off. He rubs the back of his neck again and I swear. The next time he stalls like this, I'm going to punch what ever he needs to ask me out of his stomach.

"So... The thing is..."

Eyebrow raised.

"Would you like to go out with me?"

When Friends Get Involved ~Lucaya vs Joshaya~Where stories live. Discover now