16 - The Old Diner

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"Really mom? You want me to get a job?"

I sat at the dinner table with my hands crossed on my chest, food on my plate finished and my legs crossed. I quietly tapped on the table top with my fingertips as my mom looked at me with sorrow.

"Look Maya, working at Topangas gives me an average salary. But with your help, maybe we can save a little more money for us."

I raised an eyebrow as I stopped tapping on the table. My mom sighed and sat back on the chair, her head leaned back and she let out a groan. I couldn't stand seeing my mom in pain.

"Alright, alright. I'll do it."

I saw her eyes light up.

"You-you mean it?" she asks in disbelief.

I nod.

"Yeah mom. I agree. Sure, we may have enough money but why not save a little more? Besides, where will I be working anyways?"

My mom bit her lip nervously as she stood up and took the dishes to the sink. She continued talking with her back facing towards me.

"Um, you see. I couldn't find a lot of places that would hire a teenager like yourself so I got you a job... At my old diner."

I stood up abruptly. I looked at my mom with shock.

"Are you serious?"

I almost screamed. I hated that place. With a passion. It was dirty and rustic. It was in the bad place of downtown Brooklyn and I was not interested in getting murdered at this young age.

"Look honey, just stay there until I can find you a more suitable job, okay?"

My mom had a pleading look in her eyes and I couldn't say no to her. It would make me feel so guilty after everything mom had done for me. I nodded as she hugged me.

"I have to run to Topangas, okay honey? Ill see you at dinner."

She kissed my forehead and left. The last time someone had done that to me was a few months ago when Josh had taken me out for a date. I haven't seen him much. I wonder how he's been. The days grew shorter as the winter season creeps in. I was going to clean up the kitchen table when my phone buzzed on the counter. I stored away the last few dishes before I picked up my phone.

Message from: Riley
Message from: Josh
Message from: Gabe

Wow. I have never received this many texts before. I opened the one from Riley.

Riley: Hey Maya, are you busy anytime soon?

Maya: Yeah, mom just got me a new job and I'm starting tomorrow :/

Riley: A new job!? No way! Where are you working?

Maya: I know right XD. I'm working at her old diner.

Riley: Alright then, I guess I'll talk to you soon XOXO

Maya: yup OXOX


Josh: Hey Blondie, long time no talk.

Maya: What's up, Josh?

Josh: Is there supposed to be something if I want to talk to my "girlfriend?"

Maya: ...

Josh: Yeah, ok. So I'm forcing my friend to go out because he's been very... Closed off lately.

Maya: Yeah, and?

Josh: I told him we would go on a double date.

Maya: Oh really. When?

Josh: Like, this weekend.

Maya: Okay, I'll see what I can do.


Gabe: Hey Maya.

Maya: Hey Gabe, what's up?

Gabe: I'm in town for a few more weeks, want to meet up this weekend? :D

Maya: I'm sorry, I can't. I have plans. :(

Gabe: Oh, okay. What are you doing? :/

Maya: I have a double date with my boyfriend.

Gabe: Alright. Hope you have fun. :D

Maya: Thanks X) Maybe some other time.


Well. That was exhausting. I put down my phone as I hurried to change. Mom gave me her old work clothes from the diner and I quickly dressed into them. I found some loose change and figured I would bus myself to the diner.

I got on the next bus to downtown Brooklyn and honestly, I was terrified. I couldn't help but think of the many crimes that have happened here. As my bus came to its stop. I thanked the bus driver and got off. I had to walk the next block to the diner and as I arrived. I stared at its lack of modern appearance. I held my hand on the knob of the glass doors.

Here goes nothing...

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