9 - Huckleberry's History

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Lucas was a mystery. It wondered me how he became friends with Josh. Well, the fact that Farkle got the spot too, it seemed like anyone could be friends with that guy. Anyways, I've not really seen Lucas smile. Like, maybe a few glimpses but other than that, I would have expected a smirk or something. But no. A robot has more emotion than him. It made me curious. What was his past? Maybe he was an entirely different person than he was right now. Maybe, something happened to him when he was younger that made him act this way. My thought were inturrupted as I felt a pair of arms curl around my waist.

"Miss me?"

I jumped. The voice whispered in my ear, then chuckled at my reaction. I recieved a few confused and amused stares from passerby's.

"In your dreams."

I began to walk away, shaking off his hands from my hips. I heard him sigh behind me and his footsteps catch up.

"So, are you busy tomorrow night?"

I replayed the memory of me and Lucas' conversation in my head.

"So there's this club Josh takes Farkle and I too. Want to join?"

"Um, yeah. I am busy this weekend. "

Josh looked at me as if he didn't believe me. God, just because I don't have many friends doesn't mean I don't do things.

"Oh really? Doing what?"

"Lucas invited me to go to a club you guys usually go to."

Josh slowed his pace and I slowed mine beside him too. He seemed to be deep in thought and a little bit angry.

"Lucas invited you?" He asked.

His eyebrow raised and I was almost wary to answer the question. Why would he ask something like that any way?

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason"

And with that he turned around and walked the other way. And before I could where he was going, I was cut off by the bell.

* * * * *

"Has Lucas always been like that?"

"What do you mean?"

I sat down on Rileys bed as shes combing her hair by her dresser. She turns around in her seat and watches me with curious eyes as she rakes the brush through her hair.

"Well, Josh usually has Farkle and Lucas over at your house. Has Lucas always been quiet and mysterious?"

Riley put her brush down and began to pat down her hair. She stood up and paced the room for a moment.

"Well, yeah. But he's kind of worse now."

I tilt my head to the side. So Lucas was always that quiet. But Riley said that he was worse. Whats going on with him? I wonder. That means something must have happened to him that made him like that.

"What do you mean?"

"Well. I don't know too much about Lucas. But I do remember about this girl he used to date."

Okay. So Huckleberry did date and was into relationships.

"What happened?"

Riley sat down at her dresser and stared at me through her mirror. Her eyes had a glint of curiosity and bewilderment.

"She... kind of looked like you."


"Yeah. She had the same hair, same eye colour, same nose shape. The difference was, she was quiet and shy. Didn't really talk much."

Hmmm. Interesting.

"Did you know her?"

"Oh yeah. She used to go to the school before she transferred. Lucas was so in love. It broke his heart."

Well that took a dark twist. So Ranger Rick was a romantic. That sounds really sweet. Maybe thats why he changed. He couldn't get over the fact that he missed her. Riley wasn't done with the story though.

"Her name was Elizabeth."


"Did she just move?"

Riley stared off into space.

"No, actually. I dont think so."

Wait. What?

"I think something happened that caused her family to move."

Well this just puts a twist on things.

"So anyways. Let's get your outfit picked out for the club."

* * * * *

I headed home from hours of going through her closet for our "night out" tomorrow. I'm kind of excited, I've never really been to a club before. Riley isn't as ecstatic as I am though. She claims shes a "good girl" but, one shot and she'll be bouncing off the walls. As I walk home, thoughts flood my head.

Josh was a douche. He literally made out with anyone that he saw in the halls. Now that we grew closer over the past few weeks, he's actually a really sweet guy. I used to have this huge thing for him back in middle school. I don't know if I still feel that way... Oh god, No Maya. I don't.

Lucas, on the other hand. He seems like he has more to himself than what meets the eye. I really want to get to know him better. I kind of see him as a jig saw puzzle. Once I put all the pieces together, he'll be something I never thought he was.

Well, Friday night is going to be interesting.

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