12 - Elizabeth

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"Her name was Elizabeth."

I nod, Riley told me only a little bit of information. Now that I'm hearing the whole story from Lucas, it gives me a tingly feeling. It shows me that he trusts me.

"She was one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen."

Lucas smiled to himself as he stared at his mocha. The thin most flew into the air and hung there. For a split second, he looked truly happy.

"Um, she kind of looked like you. She was happy-go-lucky, shy and timid. She had your looks but Rileys personality." Lucas droned.

But he kept going. Revealing something that Riley didn't tell me.

"Elizabeth and I dated for 3 years. She made me happy, you know? Every time I saw her... My heart just skipped a beat. I can't explain it. I guess I was in love with her."

He chuckled.

"Kind of how Josh feels about you..." he mumbled.

Woah. What? Back up. Josh? He just mumbled that Josh was in love with me. But that can't be true. He's the school's f-boy. But these past few days, I've rarely seen him flirt with other girls. He's taking this simple "favour" too seriously. Lucas interrupts my thoughts. With something I didn't really expect him to tell me.

"We were at this party... And um..."

Lucas looked so uncomfortable to keep going. I reached for his hand. This time it was curled in a fist on top of the table. When I grasped it, it softened at my touch. I gave him a sympathetic look as I ignored the small spark that erupted from our physical contact.

"You don't have to tell me if you can't."

Lucas gave me a sadden smile. He shook his head.

"No. I-I need to tell someone. I want to tell someone."

I let go and his hand curled into a fist again. I nodded and after a moment for him to sink into it. He kept going.

"So um, Josh was holding a party. Elizabeth and I went. I guess she got super drunk or something and a lot of people began to go home because it was almost midnight. But I was looking for her and... I found her. Sleeping. With another guy."

I gasped. I felt so bad for him. 3 years wasted away and he found her cheating with someone else. I saw a glisten of water in the corner of his eye and he wiped it away. I was tempted to find this slit and beat her to a pulp.

"Uh. I uh. I just ran. I ran out of the building. Ignoring the calls from Josh and Riley and Farkle. I ran. I didn't go home though. I went to a bridge. I looked over the edge of the bridge and it was a very high drop. I was scared."

Wow. Who knew Lucas was so into her. But something happened. I know something did.

"I looked over the edge and I realized. Why end my life over someone breaking my heart. I know. It sounds pathetic, but I guess I was really heart broken that day. I turned around and went home."

So if it wasn't for Lucas to come to his senses. He wouldn't have been here. With me. He would have jumped and ended his life. I reached for his hand again but he reached for mine instead. I know it was a lot for him to let out. I'm glad he did. I guess that why he's always so quiet and avoided girls. This experience was so traumatizing for him. I almost felt tears coming. His head hung low, his shaggy brown hair waving on top of the table.

"Thank you." He said.

He lifted his head. Painless and thoughtful. As if a weight had lifted from him. He gave me a small but genuine smile.

"For what?"

"For... For listening."

I smiled back. This was the first moment when Lucas and I shared something special. I guess all he needed was a friend. And a smile. He stood up, taking me with him. I got on the back of his motorcycle and put the helmet on. He looked back and smirked as he adjusted it on my head, jokingly. I giggled.

"Put your arms around me."

I nodded and obeyed. His jacket was soft and my arms hung comfortably around his torso. And from the back, even if it was faint. I could tell.

Lucas was smiling.

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