19 - Familiar Stranger

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I stared out the window as I wrapped myself in a bundle of blankets. I couldn't stop thinking about last night...

But he cut me off. And I'm not talking about a simple hug. He grabbed my face and leaned forward, placing his lips on mine.

I touched my lips as the memory flashed in my mind. I remembered it so vividly and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I clutched my mug of hot chocolate as I was still wrapped in the blankets. More memories came flooding back.

It wasn't short and sweet like in the movies. It was more of a long peck. It lasted for maybe five to ten seconds but I remember the way his lips tasted. His cologne had me enveloped for as long as the kiss was. When he pulled away, he smiled at me sheepishly before turning and walking away.

That idiot left me in front of my house alone. He drove away before I got the chance to press the doorbell. This was all just so confusing. I'm not complaining that we kissed. I hate to admit it but I actually liked it.

Of course, me sulking in a big ass blanket with hot chocolate, surfing through netflix, not knowing what to watch, isn't going to help me figure out this situation. I need to go out. Find someone to talk to. I put down my hot chocolate as I got up from my couch. Sad, now that I was opposed to the comfy position I was in. I grabbed a jacket and headed out the door.

* * * * *

I turned to the small cafe down the street. I couldn't go to the Matthews because he would be there, Lucas might be asleep right now and the diner is all the way in Brooklyn. I might as well head down to the cafe. I was quite known to this place. I know everyone that worked there and everyone that came by. But today in particular, there was someone I didn't recognize. Sitting in my usual seat.

"Hi." I greeted as I sat across from this blonde haired stranger.

She turned her face to look at me and it was almost as if I was looking into my own eyes. We looked quite similar. She had the same eyes as me and face shape. Her dimples were showing and her long wavy dirty blonde hair was the same length as mine. We stared at each other in awe for a moment before she broke the silence.


"Are you new around these parts?"

I didn't recognize her as I mentioned earlier. But something about her clicked in my mind. I don't know what it is. But something seemed so familiar...

"Not really. I moved out of here a year or two ago."

"Oh, have you transferred back?"

"Yes. I've come to live with my father."

I nodded my head as the waitress came by and ordered us a drink. We simultaneously said our order out together. Funny how we both asked for the same thing at the same time. We looked like sisters or identical twins in a movie set. The waitress laughed, getting the feeling that this was set up.

"Are you two sisters?"

"Nope, were strangers."


The waitress laughed it off as she headed to the back with our order. She smiled at me and I smiled back too. But that thought kept rushing through my head. Where do I know this girl?

"So um, how old are you?"

* * * * *

We continued talking for the next few minutes and got to know a lot about each other. Apparently, she likes to skate, her favourite food is cheesecake, she loves indie/rock music and her favourite films are the Harry Potter series. As we got to know about each other my mind races from one thought to another.

How is Josh holding up? If he is in the same situation as I am, how are we going to face each other in school? Riley needs to know this ASAP. Unless Josh had already told her. Something about this doesn't feel... Right.

She looked like the type of person you would see walk out of a movie. But I'm not talking about those really cool sappy high school lovey dovey movies. I'm talking about the movies with those fake-ass girls who think they're all that. But she does not have an attitude of a girl like that.

So why is a red flag popping up in my head? I was so anxious with all these question swirling in my head that I didn't know someone was standing near us.


I jerk my head towards the voice to see Lucas.

I give him a big goofy smile as he stares at me. But then I realize, that I'm not the one he's staring at. The girl turns around and sees Lucas. When she does, she gets up immediately and brushes herself off. I knew something wasn't right about her. She smiled at him. But something about it seemed ungenuine.

"Lucas. Hi."

She slowly goes towards him with open arms. But he puts his hands on her shoulder to stop her from hugging him.

"What are you doing here, Elizabeth?"

He asked with cold dead eyes and a matching tone of voice. The bells had stopped ringing and everything seemed to click.

Now I know why she looked so familiar.


What do you guys think??? I put a lot of Mayas thought into this one but so much happened!!! First the Joshaya kiss and now Elizabeth's in town... Yeesh. I'm making everything so much harder for myself XP.

Alright guys, just a quick update about my other account, MargaritaTuazon I have posted a new book on it and I'd appreciate it so much if you guys were to go read it. And if you don't feel like it, at least check it out.

Alright that's all I have for you guys today!

Vote! Add! Comment!

Santa tell me, if he really cares👫👬👭

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