22 - Its Always Been You (Alt. 1)

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Long time no see eh?

I'm so sorry for disappearing for such a long time! 😭 there was an equal amount of votes for both Lucas and Josh so I couldn't choose it myself! I, personally, am team Lucaya but I can't let my opinion get in the way of what you guys want so I have a solution! I really hope you guys are happy.

Also, very quickly. I have another book up on my other account, MargaritaTuazon called "My Heart That Bears A Mask". I encourage you guys to go read it please!



I stood at the door, waiting for him to come outside. I was going to tell him first before going to the other. I shook my hands impatiently as I knocked a second time. He's got to be home. I heard loud footsteps come down the stairs and open the door. He stood before me in his messy bed hair and shorts. He had a metallica shirt on and head phones. When he saw that it was me, his facial expressions went from a bored look to a surprised look. He quickly took of his head phones and stepped outside. I can't believe I had to choose between them.

"Hey Maya, so... You wanted to talk?"

His eyes were full of hope and I was refraining myself to not bawl. I really hated this.

"Yeah, um. I finally made a decision."

I smiled at him and his hopeful look soon died out. Was I that obvious?


Instead of hope, it was curiosity. He furrowed his brows together as he stared into my eyes deeply. I could see him try to find the answer and I totally formed a wall around me.

"It was hard to choose between you two and I just wanted you to know that I really liked having you as a friend. Nothing is going to change between us."

He nodded.

"But my heart belongs with Josh."

It was like time stopped. He froze and looked down. I hugged Lucas as hard as I could. I wanted him to know that I loved him as a friend. It took a while but he finally had hugged me back. We stayed in that position for a long time before letting go. His arms still wrapped around my waist and my arms holding his shoulders. He looked me in the eye and chuckled.

"Josh is one lucky guy."

"Don't worry, you'll find her someday."

He nodded and I kissed his cheek. Just to let him know I care about him. He let go and went inside. I felt like a part of me went with him because I really do care about him. I walked out onto the street, on my way to the other ones house. Or should I say, Rileys house.




"Josh is upstairs."

"Thanks Riles."

"Did you already tell Lucas?"

I nodded silently and she gave me a small smile.

"Yeah. I'm going now."

"Alright. Good luck."

I nodded and headed upstairs. I was so nervous, I didn't know why I was though. I already told Lucas. Bow I have to tell Josh. It was hard. I know I keep saying that but I can't keep think about how this all started. It all started with Josh wanting me to be his fake girlfriend. Then when that deteriorated, I soon became affiliated with Lucas. They're both great guys. I stood at the door of the guest bedroom and knocked. My heart sped up in my chest and it also grew with anticipation. The door opened slowly and a tired looking Josh stood on the other side.

"Oh, hey Maya."

"Um, can we talk?"

He rubbed the back of his neck drowsily and gestured his hand.

"Yeah, come in."

I walked in and he closed the door behind me. I stood in the middle of the room and he walked up right to me. His hair was all messed up, indicating that he had just woken up from a nap. His eyes were droopy and his shirt was crooked. He yawned as he looked at me, confused.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Um, making a decision was hard."

His eyes grew wide. He knew exactly what I was talking about now.

"Oh, you mean... Me and Lucas?"

"Um. Yeah."

He grabbed my hands and held them up to his chest. I felt his heart rate steady. His eyes looked deep into mine, showing me love and compassion.

"I just want you to know that... Whoever you choose, I am totally behind you one hundred percent."

I smiled. He was really sweet.


He nodded. I waited for a moment. I wanted it to be just right before I could tell him who it was. His breathing got more complicated as it showed he was growing impatient.

"So... Who did you*"

I cut him off as I pulled him close towards me and kissed him. I knew it caught him off guard but soon, he kissed back and it just felt right. His hands cupped my cheek as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I knew he was the person I wanted to be with.

I knew that all along.

When Friends Get Involved ~Lucaya vs Joshaya~Where stories live. Discover now