21 - Decision Time?

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Now. I'm just trying to avoid them as much as I can.

"Maya, are you ok?"

I jumped at her voice when I realized that I have been with Riley since block 1. Why am I so jumpy today? I can't let the two get to me. Everything is just so caught up in my head I can't take it anymore. I feel like blowing up.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Well, so much for blowing up.

"You just seem so... Spacey lately. I haven't heard much happen with you."

"To be honest with you Riley, a lot has happened with me."

Riley sat down abruptly at our usual eating spot and grabbed my hand, forcing me to sit down with her. She had a determined look in her eye as she stared at me with a straight face. Something I don't usually see on Riley.


"Alright. I may have kissed your uncle..."

Riley looked taken back at first then she sort of eased into it.

"Well, you two are fake dating"

She said slowly. Oh dear, she's in for a surprise.

"And I may have also..."

Come on, Maya. Rip off the damn bandage already.

"Kissed Lucas as well?"

By this time, Riley fell off her chair. She slammed both of her hands on the table top as she rose above it. Her eyes flared with determination. She didn't look angry at all and that surprised me.

"Maya, this is crazy."

"Yeah I know Riley."

She sat back down in a heated frenzy. Then she said the four words I never thought I would hear.

"You have to choose."

I sighed in annoyance. But who was I kidding? Of course I had to choose. Leading them on wasn't going to be healthy. And I had to make a decision sooner or later. I guess I expect sooner a little to late. I stood up, threw away my food and told Riley to come over after school.

* * * * *

"Alright, pros and cons."

I nodded my head. Rileys methods usually worked but sometimes they were out of style. Like a pros and cons list.

"So, who do you think is more of a gentleman?"

"Lucas, definitely. Josh is okay, but he's sometimes aggressive as where Lucas is more polite and teasing around me."

Riley took all this information in, listening to every word I said. It seemed as if there was a small person in side her head, writing this down on a notepad. She tilted her head to the side and stared at the ground in deep thought.

"Ok, which guy is more out there?"

"Josh. He is sort of wild and not to mention, was a player. Lucas keeps to himself and is very quaint."

Riley hummed, rocking back and forth in her seat. Of course, I also thought very hard at this. I need to answer as truthfully as I can. So far, both of them are weighing down pretty easily.

"So, which one is cuter?"

"Gee. Both of them are a real hoot."

I mimicked the Texan accent I use to tease Lucas with all the time. Make a fist and swinging my elbow as if I was square dancing. Riley didn't faze on asking me again and thought of another question. This one really took the bait.

"Be very honest. Who can you see yourself with in five years with?"

I opened my mouth to speak but shut it right away. This question stumped me. In five years. Who knows what its going to be like for us in five years? A lot can change in that time bit right now, I need to break down the possibilities.

With Lucas, I expect him to be having a career as professional bull rider or a vet. We would be having long walks on the beach or having a quiet dinner in a simple place during a moonlit night. With Josh, I expect him to be graduating university and getting a job in mechanics. We would be partying all the time and cuddling together, watching a film.

My eyes go wide as I felt my heart drop. Riley saw this in me and smiled to herself slightly. She looked accomplished and I looked at her with a grin. She giggled.

"You've made a decision. Haven't you?"

"I... Yeah. I have."

With that, I picked up my phone and texted both of them. I was going to tell both of them. And tonight was the night I'm going to do it.



Well there you guys go! A very quick, very short, very rushed chapter 21! Hey guys, I'm planning on ending this book by the next chapter or chapter 23 😬. Yes I know. So sad. Anyways, guess what? I'm not the one who's choosing the boy! You are! You get to choose! Please leave a comment or message me who do you think should have Mayas heart! I need at least 5 - 7 comments for one person because if I only get three or four well... I guess I'm not really doing a good job as a writer XD

Anyways, I really hope you get involved on who you think Maya should be together with. I can't choose because I have created their personalities in this book so similar to aspirations of my own dream boy so I hate myself for making them (in my mind) so perfect.

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Merry *late Christmas!

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