15 - Girls Day

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Today. Today was the day. The day that I could just hang out with my best friend the whole day and forget all my problems. With school, boys, homework... All my dilemmas just washed away in 24 hours. It would be like a breath of fresh air. It was a professional day at school so we had the whole day off. A perfect day to have a girls day! With just Riley and me...

"I'm sorry, who is this?"

I asked as I gestured to the girl Riley was standing beside. Riley gave me a nervous smile and chuckled awkwardly.

"Umm Maya, this is Smakle. She... Is joining us go our girls day..."

Riley mumbled the last part, but I heard it as if she said it loud and clear. I gave her a frustrating smile as I looked towards Smakle.

"Hi, I'm Maya."

I held out my hand for her to shake. You know, the "polite" way of greeting someone you just met. I guess she didn't see that as she used her two fingers to grab my wrist, moving it up and down. I stood there as I took my hand away, I gave Riley a dumbfounded look.

"Yes. I have acknowledged your presence and Riley here, has already informed me of you."

I shot a glare at Riley. She meekly shrugged, as if to say, sorry. I gave Smakle a smile and she blinked. She didn't even smile back. Then she turned to Riley.

"So, what activities are we going to be engrossed in? Looking for college websites? Indulge in an informative discussion on political leaders?"

I looked at Smakle, surprised. I feel like I'm in school when this girl talks. Riley smiled at her and attempted to imitate her formal matter of speaking. Oh man, now I'm starting to talk/think like it.

"I'd hate to turn down those... Lovely ideas, be we, erm, agreed to display art on our fingertips and admire designer pieces of cloth, only to trade it in for money."

I facepalmed. You have got to be kidding me. Really Riley? Designer pieces of cloth? Apparently Smakle thought the same thing.

"Oh, so we're going shopping and getting our nails done."

Riley blinked.

"Um, yeah. Basically."

Smakle simply nodded as we grabbed our things and headed out of Rileys apartment. We walked to the subway station and Smakle looked uncomfortable as we walked in. Familiar faces passed as I greeted them with a "hey" or "hi". Riley smiled, like she always did.

"How do you travel in such a mediocre and revolting environment?"

I rolled my eyes. How snobby.

"Okay, I may not be able to speak the high class language of Einstein, but at least I have a heart to open up to the mediocre people here, that need more help than you do."

With that, she gave me startled look before turning away. She did not say another word.

* * * * *

We arrived at Queens Center just a little over an hour. The mall was a big place for teenagers that loved to shop or simply just wanted to gossip. We stepped out of the subway and walked a block away to the place. As we stepped in, we were quickly engulfed in a throng of people in front of the door ways. As we hurried ourselves out the crowd seemed more like a line up. A girl nearby seemed kind enough to talk to.

"Hi, um. What's going on?"

She looked at me with a smile and said.

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