6 - English Lessons

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Riley didn't go to school the next day. I came to her apartment to find her sick on the couch. She wanted me to go to school so I can tell her what she'd miss for homework so I went to school for her. Of course, upon arriving at school, that would mean I would have to face... the golden boys.

"Hey blondie." I hear someone say.

I turn around and I'm face to face with Josh. My stomache flutters for a second. Oh hell no. I can't be feeling this.

"How are you?" He breathes.

His face is inches from mine, looking down at me. Curse tall guys. His eyes linger on mine before slightly falling onto my nose, going lower. I break our eye contact and turned away.

"I'm fine, thanks. How are you?" I ask.

He chuckles slightly and lifts my chin so that I would be looking at him.

"Great, now that I've seen you." He lets go of my chin and walks off.

I head off to my next class, which was English. To be honest, It was probably my third favourite class. Behind Art and Music. I go inside the classroom and excuse Riley to the teacher. He nods his head and I return to my seat, pouting at the empty chair beside me. Mr. Manovic was a cool teacher. He taught us English like how Mr. Matthews would teach us History. He'd somehow throw in a life lesson.

On the big whiteboard at the front of the class, "Romeo & Juliet" were writen boldly across the board.

"Who are they?" Mr. Manovic asked.

Farkle raised his hand. Of course, he knew the answer to almost everything.

"Romeo and Juliet was a famous tragedy written in the mid 16th century by William Shakespear. They were star-crossed lovers that ended in death."

"Correct Mr. Minkus. What was so significant about them?" Mr. Manovic continued.

No one raised their hand.

"Well, it wasn't just Romeo and Juliet that were in love. Juliet had a suitor named Paris and this love trianglr broke out among them. But Juliet knew who she loved. That ended with them both dead."

I couldn't wrap my head around what Mr. Manovic was trying to tell us. His teaching style wasn't as smooth as Mr. Matthews but he still had good points. I wonder what this one was though...

* * * * *

I walk off to my next class in a daze. This lesson was confusing. I don't get why he thought Romeo and Juliet had an effect on us now. Maybe their love for one another? That got me thinking about Josh. Why am I thinking about him? We don't love each other. He only asked me out because of Mr. Matthews.

There was something else that bothered me though. His smile, his eyes, his gentleness sometimes. They gave me this feeling that made me weak to my knees. I hate to admit it. I really do. But, I might like*


I knocked into someone and a pair of strong hands grabed onto my arms to keep me steady. I lift my head to see another golden boy, with light brown hair and green eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

I really hope he was genuine. His eyes dropped on its side, showing that he did care. I just didn't want to believe it. I forced a smile on my face.

"Oh yeah, I'm totally fine Huckleberry." I giggled.

His grip softens and so does his face. Then he raised an eyebrow.

"Huckleberry?" He asked.

"Whats wrong with it?" I sassed back.

I thought he would fume or something but he let go of my arms and shrugged.

"Nothing, I like it."

I laugh and then, I saw him do something I never thought I'd see him do. Lucas smiled. It was a vibrant, I'm trying not to laugh smile. I liked it. It made me wonder why he doesn't smile often. A voice intereupted our conversation.

"Hey, whats going on?"

I feel an arm go around my shoulder and I instantly know who it was. Lucas' smile was wiped off immediately. I miss it.

"Nothing." He said coldly.

Something changed. It was usually when Josh was around when Lucas acted this way. I was curious about him.

"Come on babe, lets go." He says.

I nod and he takes me out of the school, leaving Lucas behind.

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