14 - Girls Day?

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The next say, we entered the school and everything just went about normally. That was, until I heard a conversation from a few girls. Riley and I were at her locker as she spoke to me. But I drowned out as I eavesdropped the group behind me.

"Oh my gosh, you'll never guess what happened."

"Did you lose your credit card again?"

"What? No silly. I mean, a blonde chick was seen riding with Lucas on Friday night."


"O.M.G. No way."

I mentally gagged. They sounded like a bunch of little kids. And like stalkers. Like, who has anything better to do than watch one of the schools golden boy ride his motorcycle at night?

"So yeah. The weird part was, she was wearing his helmet!"

Another gasp. Another gag. What's the deal with the helmet?

"Do you think its..."


"Well, who else could it be?"

"I don't know..."

"Maya? Are you listening to me?"

I snapped back to reality as I saw Rileys big eyes widen at me, waiting for me to answer her question. I turned to look for the group of girls but they were gone. I looked back at Riley.

"I-I'm sorry, Riley."

"That's okay. What's wrong?"

"I don't know. The whole Lucas and Josh thing is getting to my head."

"Maybe all you need is a girls day?"

I thought. A girls day. That sounds nice. Just 24 hours with just Riley and I (Not that we don't spend 24 hours together). A nice manicure, maybe we could go shopping, grab a bite to eat. Everything I need to do to get my mind off of all the problems in the world. I mean, yeah Riley and I spend alot of time together but we don't really "go out". Besides the time we went to that night club. Yikes, I'm not doing that again.

"Lets do it."

* * * * *

Art went by faster than I thought it would. We were working on technique for drawing faces. And in my opinion, I'm not one to get technical. Drawing is supposed to be creative and free. Yeah, technique is for people who want to draw realistically, but I think that in art you should be able to do anything freely without someone telling you how. Art was the end of my day and I headed to my locker to grab a few textbooks.

As I closed my locker and turned around, someone walked up to. One I did not expect to.

"Hey Maya, have you seen Riley?"

"You're talking to me?"

He had a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Who else is named Maya that I'm looking at right now who's best friends with Riley Matthews?"

I rolled my eyes. Ok, fine smartass. What the hell do you want?

"What about Riley? Farkle."

I raised an eyebrow to taunt him. I know. Farkle has had a thing for Riley since the 1st grade. Before he changed his nerdy image. I don't know how we managed to stay friends. Well, we were alot closer in middle school. We just drifted apart in high school. Farkle blushed a light pink but it was super noticeable. I have him a smirk.

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