13 - Hangover

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"I'm telling you Riley, you were drunk out of your mind last night."

I said as I held up Riley hair as she took another spew in the toilet. I scrunch my nose in disgust but I guess I can't smell anything as I have a clothes pin stuck on top of my nose. Riley let out a groan in pain.

"What happened though?"

She asked as she flushed the toilet and stood to face the mirror. He hair was messy and tangled and she washed off all the excess alcohol left on her face that she threw up from last night. Man, what did happen?

"The last time I saw you was when you were with Farkle."

She splashed one more wave of water into her face before took out a brush and began to entangle her hair. I take the clothes pin off my nose and the smell of alcohol still lingers, but faintly.


She asked warily.

"Riley, what do you remember?"

She thought for a moment then went back to brushing her hair.

"Uh, I remember sitting on a balcony with you and Farkle. Then he took me downstairs... That's it I guess. Must have been drunk out of my mind."

"How many shots did you take?"


She smiled a goofy smile. I was taken back by shock.

"You got that drunk with only three shots!?"

She shrugged and put down her brush. This time, she ran her fingers through her hair, untangled and smooth and shiny. Like it used to be. Then she took out a bottle of perfume and sprayed it all over herself. I coughed in disgust. I mean, the stench was gone but a new one was present.

"Enough about me."

She turned around and faced me, taking me back to her bedroom where we sat. I looked at her clock.


Damn. I guess Riley had a really early morning hangover. She sat down on her bed as I sat by her dresser. She stared at me with curious eyes.

"Where were you?" she asked.

She raised a suspicious eyebrow. What could hurt telling the truth? I spotted a nice necklace on the corner of Riley table and began to play with it.

"Lucas took me to a diner because it was getting so loud."

I heard nothing. I dropped the necklace and turned to look at her. It seemed like Riley did a double take. Her jaw was hanging and her eyes were wide open. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What wrong?"

"Lucas took you to a diner?"

"Yeah, hopped on his motorcycle, threw on his helmet. We just chatted."

Don't need to tell Riley the details. I've seen her fangirl and honestly, I'm trying my best to avoid that. But why would Riley fangirl about Lucas and I? Nothing is going on between us... She blinked slowly in a dramatic state. She couldn't stop the small smile from growing on her face though.

"No way! Lucas never lets anyone ride his motorcycle! Let alone wear his helmet!"

I shrugged. I stood up and sat with her on her bed. I was curious.

"Why freak out about it?"

She showed me a shy smile.

"Well, Lucas was so different after the incident with Elizabeth. He wasn't exactly the 'social' person, you know?"

Go on.

"Well, it just amazes me that he treated you politely. Not that I'm offending you. But, it's different. Especially for Lucas."

I frowned. Then Riley hugged me and laid back down on the bed, going back to sleep. I stroked her hair lightly until I heard her snore. Then I sat next to her the rest of the morning. Wondering.

Lucas treated me differently than he usually acts. After Elizabeth's incident. It made me wonder. Why would he do that? Was I just vulnerable? Is that why he treated me like that? Was it just in the moment that he let out his deepest darkest secret? Questions flooded through my mind as I quickly tried to think of logical answers. But I knew I wasn't the one who could answer them. And before I knew it, everything went black.


Hi guys!!! Wow, I can't believe I'm almost at 1000 reads! I know its not 1000 individual people and honestly, I don't care if you guys vote anymore! I just wanted to know if my story is enjoyable to read. Please, I encourage you! Please give me feedback on my story. I would very much appreciate it if you did! And while you wait for some chapters to come up, please feel free to check out my other books!

I'm so sorry this chapter was short. I was trying to give a filler chapter because I felt like I was going too fast with the story. Having the first date with Josh and Lucas and Maya's VERY intimate moment. And we're only on chapter 13! I do hope you're enjoying it though!

I'll let you guys know that for the past couple of days I've been very sleep deprived so (since I have time on my hands) I'll be updating chapters VERY FREQUENTLY. That's right people! Like almost everyday! I would hate to leave you guys hanging so I encourage you guys to read my Author notes as I have very important details to tell you guys about. The story and maybe sometimes other problems....

But you guys understand, right? Like I need a place to rant and my friends are getting super bored... And I lost you didn't I?

Alright I'll stop babbling so I won't annoy you guys :D

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