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"Wow." I hear Lucas say as we pulled into the apartment driveway.

"I know, it's not very impressive." I mutter as we get out.

Josh puts an arm around me. It was cold and I didn't have a jacket. His arm felt warm around my shoulders. Lucas rolls his eyes as he spots Josh's action.

"Alright. We're here. Let's go Josh." Lucas says turning around. So much for gentleman.

"Dude, hold on. We have to take Maya up there you know?" Josh stops him.

Lucas rolls his eyes again as he motions me to go through. I just rush past him and Josh follows me.

"You can take her, I'll wait here." I hear behind me.

Josh nods and he takes me to the elevator. As we're going up, I try my best not to speak to him or look up amd make eye contact. But I knew this elevator well and I saw the mirror on the side. I glance into it and Josh is looking right at me. And not in a sweet caring way, he looked like a predator, stalking his next meal. His hands were comfortably in his pockets with his thumbs sticking out, his beanie was pulled back with his narrowing green eyes. And his smirk, that frightening lustful smirk.

He opens his mouth to speak but the elevator door opens and saves me the trouble from talking to him. I quickly get out of the elevator and turn around.

"Well, thanks for bringing me up here." I said.

"But I thought I*"

"No its alright, I'll be fine."

The elevator door closes before he could step out. I sigh in relief and lean against the wall behind me. My thoughts were cloudy as I pulled myself back together, a small window was beside me as I spotted Josh and Lucas talking for a moment. Lucas was leaning against the car door, his arms crossed on his chest and Josh shrugs as he and Lucas continue to talk. Hmm, I wonder what's going on.

* * * * *


I heard the slide of the glass doors open and I don't need to lift my head to know who it is. His shoes come into view as my head is still looking at the ground. I lift my head and I stare at him eye to eye.

"So. How'd it go?" I asked, nonchalantly.

Josh shrugs and looks down, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, she didn't want me to take her up to her apartment." He chuckled.

I scoffed at him jokingly.

"Well, I wouldn't either if I was a vulnerable girl being accomadated by a senior guy."

Josh shrugs and opens his hands at me. I roll my eyes and dig my hand into my pocket and toss him the cae keys. As he turns to the drivers side, I see a flash of blonde hair in a window above us. A pale face quickly spots me and disappears into the side and I immediately know who it is. But, I don't think I'm the kne who scared her.

"What are you staring at?" Josh asks.

I glance at Josh to see him looking at the window I was looking at. I shrug and turn around, opening the car door and getting in.

* * * * *


I was disappointed that Maya didnt want me to go with her to her apartment. I nonchalantly walk back to the front of the apartment and go towards Lucas, his head hanging, face towards the ground.

"So how'd it go?" He asks calmly.

I scratch the back of my neck. I wish Maya would have let me take her to her door. I like her alot.



I don't. I'm not supposed to.

"Well, she didn't let me take her up to her apartment." I answered.

Lucas scoffed. Sometimes, his attitude gets to me.

"Well, I wouldn't either if I was a vulnerable girl being accomadated by a senior guy."

I shrug in defeat and open my hands, silently asking for the keys to the car. Lucas puts his hands in his pockets and tosses me the keys. As I go to the drivers side, I glance at Lucas staring up at a window above us.

"What are you staring at?" I ask.

Lucas gives me a quick glance but shrugs as he gets into the car. I hop in as well. But, I realy can't get Maya out of my mind.

What's wrong with me?

* * * * *


Josh and Lucas have a short talk. I'm intrigued. Their friendship is an amusement to me as Josh is easygoing and laid-back. As to Lucas who seemed quiet but a gentleman at heart. Then there's Farkle but his relation to them confuses me even more.

Lucas tosses Josh what seemes to be car keys and Josh walks to the drivers side. As Lucas stands up straight, he locks eyes with me and for a short, brief moment, it felt calming. But I quickly hid in view.

That's unusual. How did he make me feel that way?


Hey my fans! I appreciate everyone that still reads this and I encourage you guys to read my other Lucaya/Riarkle books.

To be honest, this is my first time making a Joshaya book so if any of my Joshaya readers can give me any feedback or tips for future chapters I highly, HIGHLY recommend to do so. Same to you the Lucaya Nation! I highly recommend.

<3 <3 <3

I hope you guys enjoyed this alternative chapter where you can see all three points of views. What so you guys think? Do yoy think I'm rushing? Do you like it so far?

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I love you guys 😁
Stay beautiful 😄


- MM

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