11 - Got To Go

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A hand is shut over my mouth and pulls me into the building. I'm crying as I try to get away from who is doing this. His arm is around my waist and his breath tickles my ears.

"If I can't get your friend. I'll take you. And no one is here to save you this time."

Ethan. His voice is low and raspy. The smell of booze travels to my nose and by this time, I'm trying to kick him away but he takes me into a room. He throws me into the corner and shuts the door. I'm looking at him in this dimly lit room and my vision begins to blur. His tall, intimidating figure towers over me. Then he falls. The sound of breaking glass rings my ears. I cover my face to prevent the glass from hitting me. A hand grabs my arm.

"Maya! Come on!"

My vision lights up but its still blurry. The voice, a males voice, is low and slow. Like in a movie, where the character is hit hard and its like the whole world slows down. I limp to the door and this person lifts me from the floor in his hands.

"Hey! Get back here!"

I hear from the room. What was going on? Who was this person that was helping me? Josh was drunk as hell the last time I saw him, Farkle and Riley went somewhere together and Lucas was no where to be found. My head ached as we ran down the hall and the stairs. As I regain consciousness, I see Ethan running down the stairs, trying to catch up to us. I look to my protector and to my shock, I furrow my eyes in surprise.


His eyes look worried and determined. He dodged people that were in our way and gripped me in his arms tighter. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I see Ethan struggling to get through the throng of drunk people on the dance floor. The music blasted a slow rap song and people began passing out. Some were still drinking and partying but Josh, Farkle and Riley are no where to be found. Lucas exits the building and puts me down. He grabs my hand and we run towards a post nearby and hide behind it. He puts a protective arm around my back and pulls me to his chest. He is warm and comforting as his other hand holds mine.

And totally not drunk. I glance behind the post and see Ethan agitatingly trying to find us. He then growls in annoyance as he runs around the corner of the building. I look up at Lucas and he's looking at me. Our eyes meet and suddenly, my heart skips a beat. I never really notice how clear and green his eyes were. He looked at me genuinely and then his eyes look down. I break our eye contact and give him a light warming smile.

"Th-thank you."

He smiles. I really like it when he smiles. We chuckle at the heart warming moment. Then all of a sudden.

"There you are!"

Our heads turn and we see Ethan's terrifying expression. His hands are clenched and so is his jaw. He was a quite a ways away. Made half a field but we could clearly see he was furious. Lucas grabbed my hand and ran. I looked behind us as Ethan slowly caught up.

Man, this guy isn't giving up.

We stop abruptly as Lucas shoves me a helmet. He's climbing on a motorcycle and I look at him like crazy. Where is his car? Why a motorcycle?

"Come on! He's right behind us!"

I put on the helmet and climb on. Lucas revs up the motorcycle.

"Put your arms around me."

"Wait, what?"

"Just do it."

I obey and he skids out of there. I turn around and Ethan's figure gets smaller and smaller as he shouts out vague words at us. I tighten my grip around Lucas' waist and he goes into town. We pass by the regular town structures that were so familiar to me. He stops in front of a small diner and the motorcycle stops. I loosen my grip and he looks at me. He takes off my helmet and that's when I realize that he never had one on.

Hmm strange.

We enter and we sit in a small booth. The diner was old fashioned and cute. A waitress comes up to us and asks if we needed anything. After settling in, she leaves, telling us she'll be back.

"How are you?"

Lucas asks after a while of silence. I nod at him.

"Um, I'm fine."

He looks at me with worried eyes. I like it. The effect gave me a warm fuzzy feeling I can't describe.

"Thank you. Again."

He chuckles lightly. Then he stares out the window.

"Why did you help me by the way?"

His breath is cut as he looks down. Maybe I said too much. He taps his fingers on the table top and scratches the back of his neck nervously. Then after a few moments, he looks up at me.

"You... You remind me of someone."

He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. He looks hesitant to tell me and taps his fingers on the table again. I reach out and hold his hand, letting him know that it was okay to tell me. It was almost as if he could read my mind and slowly, he relaxed. Finally he told me.

"I uh, I had a girlfriend."

When Friends Get Involved ~Lucaya vs Joshaya~Where stories live. Discover now