10 - Night Club

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"Peaches! Josh is here!"

Riley exclaims from the doorway. I ran out of her room with my purse in hand. Riley and I are both wearing dresses, hers is an ankle length purple dress and I have a navy blue knee high dress. My black combat boots compliment my dress and Riley wears purple slip on flats.

Josh is at the door, casually dressed as always and he takes my hand. He leads us into the elevator and I keep my hand in his. It's warm and soft, I've never really admitted it, but I have never held hands with a boy before. I know, shocking. I blush slightly at the thought. The elevator doors open and we head out to his car. I sit in the passengers seat as Riley sits in the back.

"Alright, where is this nightclub?"

Riley asks as Josh starts up the engine.

"It's in downtown Brooklyn."

I nod. I mean, sure its a little far but hey, these guys do anything near or far, safe or dangerous. I stare out into the pink and purple sky as night falls. The stars come out and the sun is almost gone. Little light is shown on the roads.

When we arrive at the nightclub, you can hear the music, even inside the car. Thats how freaking loud it is. Lights flooded the inside and people cheering were heard. The building had 3 floors, balconies and a rooftop. It looked pretty big.

"Come on Blondie."

I roll my eyes as I step out of the car. Josh smirks and he leads us in. No security was on duty so it was a free pass for us. It was so loud as we went in, I couldn't hear myself think.

"Where's Lucas and Farkle?" I ask, yelling.

"They're over there!" Josh points over to two guys drinking by a small bar.

I walk over to them with Riley and sit down at the next two stools. Farkles eyes perk up as he spots Riley and she blushes. Lucas nods his head but his eyes gleam as they look at me. I give him a toothy smileand he slightly chuckles.

"You want a round?"

He asks me. I look at Riley and she shrugs.

"Sure. I mean, one can't hurt."

* * * * *

Okay, one can't hurt, but it can sure do alot more than give you pain.

"Hah, p-pass me another one!"

The bartender, he was young and looked to be a year or two older than us turned to face Riley. He poured a drink into a shot glass and winked at her as he slid it over into her hand. She gave a clumsy look and raised her fist. I pulled it down.

"Riley calm down, you're making a scene."

She burps and gives me a droopy look. Then takes the shot. I mentally facepalm myself.

"Come on Riley."

I take her wrist and maneuver through the dance floor. I notice her hand feeling clammy and very limp. I turn to face her.



"What are you doing!?" I yell at him.

Music was blasting in my ears and he was holding an empty shotglass. He was lazily dancing and grinned at me. That was not a sincere grin. He was drunk. His speech slurree and he couldn't stand straight.

"Josh, I'm going to leave. Where's Riley?"

Josh points to Riley across the room at the bar... again. This time though, she's not alone. The young bartender from earlier is talking to her from the other side of the bar. I should get over there. I begin to walk towards her when I feel a grip on my wrist. I turn around.

"Josh, let go."

"Come on Blondie, dance."

He pulls me towards him and I smell the reeking stench of alcohol he took in. I am not driving home with this kid. He begins to slowly sway but things increase as the music gers more intense. I pry away from Josh's grip. People around us continue to dance, unfazed and drunk.

"Josh I have to leave. I'm getting Riley"

"You can't leave."

But I had already left as he yelled out at me. I arrive at the bar but Riley is no where to be found. I look around and the music suddenly changes. Everyone begins to scream and dance as the music blasts. I spot some stairs by the bar and walk up to the second floor. A huge hole in the middle makes it easy to see below. People are dirty dancing and drinking. I walk around them and spot a door.

Balcony Access

I walk through and to my relief and surprise, Riley was there. But she wasn't alone.

"Farkle?" I ask in shock.

Farkle and Riley were in a seated position on the floor. They were looking at eachother right before I came in and they both looked like they fell out of a trance. He looks up at me and Riley looks at me too. Her face has a bruise on her forehead. Farkle looked more beaten. His upper lip was cut, his eye had turned to black and bruises on his arms were noticable.

"What happened?" I asked softly, sitting beside both of them.

Farkle was tending an ice pack to Rileys forehead. Riley smiled weakly.

"I guess Ethan wasn't as nice as I thought he was."

Farkle dabbed the pack on her head lightly and she winced. I squint my eyes at her.


"The bartender." Farkle says.

Riley takes the ice pack from him and puts it slowly against his eye. He smiles at her weakly.

"So I guess you two got in a fight?"

"Well, I wasn't thinking straight. Farkle here was sober and I guess came to my rescue as Ethan tried to get me into his room."

"That wouldn't have ended well then."

They both nod, get up and exit the balcony. I, on the other hand, stayed to admire the night sky. I guess this was a nice (less quiet) place for me. Better than downstairs. I can think what I want without it being so noisy.

Then someone stepped onto the balcony.

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