8 - Mental Education

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The date with Josh was something I have never experienced. It was a nice place with a nice setting. We talked all night long and he didn't make any move on me. Though it was a really cute and quaint night, I thought it felt more like a hangout with a friend more than a date. But, I don't know.

"So, how was it?" Riley asked as she walked me to homeroom.

It sucked because her homeroom was Chemistry. I had P.E . I despise Gym. The fact that Riley and I didn't have all of our classes together terrified me.

"Eh. It was cute. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed it. I just think..." I trailed off.

"Think what?"

"I don't really know."

"Maya, is this going to be like middle school?"

I rolled my eyes. Three years ago, when I was in grade 7, I had the biggest crush of Josh. Shocking right? Now you're wondering why I didn't enjoy our little "date"? Well, I liked him three years ago. And alot can happen in three years.

"Maya, you haven't answered."

"I don't know Riley!"

She didn't say a word after.

We arrived at the girls change room and the bell rang. She and I hugged before she left for her class. I liked this place before the bell, its quite peaceful. I entered the room with my things and found an empty gym locker. They were small and tight. I didn't like them very much due to the limit of space but since I don't bring an ass-load of stuff to class, it didn't affect me as much. I finished changing and a few girls had began to come in. Then the whole place was filled with conversation. So much for peaceful. But one conversation caught my attention.

"Hey, I heard that Farkle likes someone."

"Really? I heard that Lucas likes someone too."

"I wonder who they are."

"Have you seen the brunette Farkle hangs out with? Its probably her."

"I don't think he [likes] her."

The girl exaggerated the word, likes.

"He's probably trying to... you know."

I mentally threw up.

"How would you know?"

"Um, he hangs out with Josh. Him and Lucas. Josh has probably flirted with more girls that I could count on your and my fingers."

"You're right."

I rolled my eyes and left, heading towards the gym. My teachers name is Mr. Fenakin. Honestly, he's the nicest P.E. teacher than you guys could ever imagine. I really like him. And you'll never guess who's in my class.

"Hey Huckleberry"

He turns around and faces me.

"Shortstack." He replies.

"Do you know what we're doing today?"

Before he could answer my question, the teacher calls out.

"Okay guys! We're doing the school run!!"

Lucas looked at me, raising his shoulders.

"Guess we're doing the school run."

The school run is where we run or jog (and in most peoples cases, walk) around the school for 40 minutes. It's a fitness thing. As our class got lined up to jog, the bell rang and we began. While running, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned, being face to face with Huckleberry.


"Whats up?"

He scratched the back of his head.

"There's um... This club Josh takes Farkle and I to. Want to join us?"

I hesitated. A club? Sounds like dirty dancing, alchoholics and loud music. Also sounds like trouble. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Um, I don't know."

And I wonder why Lucas is asking me. It would probably be Josh that should ask me these kinds of things. Maybe Josh asked him to ask me. Well, I guess one time wouldn't hurt.

"Thats okay if you're not into it."

"Actually, I'm not busy this weekend."

Lucas looked taken back. Then he looked to the side and mumbled something I couldn't hear.

"Alright then. I guess I'll see you there."

I nodded. Then he ran up further than me and disappeared around the corner.


Guys! My Riarkle book is out! It's called: Criminal ~Riarkle~

It's basically just a twisted Romeo and Juliet story between them. And if you want to know more, go read the book!

Also I am so excited about this because this is my very first Riarkle book! Honestly I ship them as much  as Lucaya because they're just sooo cute! I just hope the writers aren't as dumb as they built the plot of Lucaya and just tore it down. (I'm still not over that) but point across! They're adorable.

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Hope you guys have a lovely day and always look on the bright side of things!

Till next time!

- MM

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