18 - Angry Consolation

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"Well... Who's her sister?"

"Um, I can't say."

I narrowed my eyes at him. I can't believe he has the decency to drag me out of the cafe with all of my friends when he can't even tell me why he did! Other than that, he won't tell me what's with all the tension between him and Krista.

"Look, can we just leave? That's why I dragged you out of there in the first place."

Josh looked down and I could tell he was being sincere. I nodded and instead of taking my usual bus home, we went into his car. It was only the second time I've ridden this thing ever since he first asked me to take date him. It was quiet the whole ride home and we didn't say a word to each other. I felt as if I had mentioned something, it might make the air around us even more awkward. He took me to the Matthews apartment where he needed to get something. As I entered the door, I saw Riley and she gave me a hug while we sat down on the couch.

"So, what happened?"

"I don't know. I think Josh and my co-worker have a troubled past."

Riley tilted her head. I knew I could get dirt on him from Riley. She knew everything about him.

"Who is your co-worker?"

"Her name is Krista."

I could see and feel Riley tense up. So she did know her.

"Wait a minute. Krista? As in Krista Johnson?"

"Yeah. Do you know anything about her and Josh's past?"

Riley stood up and began to pace the room. Why is everyone so hesitant to tell me about this? It reminded me about Elizabeth and Lucas' situation. I didn't think it would be as bad as that but with all of the silent explanations from everyone, maybe it really isn't something I should be involved in. I was just so curious.

"Josh used to have a thing with Krista's little sister, Skylar."

I nodded my head. Now's my chance to find out the truth.

"You see, Skylar had some issues. She*"

"Come on, Maya. Lets go."

Josh grabbed my arm and dragged me out the door. I took one last look from Riley as she meekly waved at me before the door slammed in my face.

When he took me home, he got out of the car first, opening the door for me. I got out and we just stood there for a moment, not a single word was said.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened between you two?"

Josh sighed.

"Look, its in the past and I'd rather not go down that road."

I grew angry. I mean, we were "dating" we should be able to trust each other. I knew this was hard for him to keep in and I just wanted to know.

"Look, we should be able to trust each other with our secrets! I don't get why you can't just tell me now?"

By this time, Josh began to raise his voice.

"Why can't you just drop it Maya!? Its none of your business and I don't feel comfortable talking about it!"

Josh paused.

"You even went to the limit of going behind my back and asking Riley for information."

I felt somewhat guilty but provoked at the same time.

"Well, if your so angry, why can't you just let out your damn feelings! Its not my fault that your such a coward of your past!"

Josh stayed silent as he stared at the ground. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was deep in thought. His hands were curled into fists and I didn't know if he was angry or depressed. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, Josh. I'm sorry if I was pushing you. I was just scared that maybe*"

But he cut me off. And I'm not talking about a simple hug. He grabbed my face and leaned forward, placing his lips on mine.


Look who's ba-ack! Alright I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I had gotten really sick and I feel awful. I'm legit writing this in the middle of the night because I woke up from head pains. The snowball dance is basically tonight (since its two in the morning) and I can't decide if I should go or not.

But aside from my problems...

Eh!? They kissed! I tried to build up their relationship where they just constantly yell at each other before Josh kisses her out of anger. 😡💫

But don't worry Lucaya fans! I have big plans in store for that pairing so I just wanted to get the Joshaya fans a little taste for their liking :D

Also, on my other account, MargaritaTuazon, I have a new story out and I really hope you guys check it out! Its called L*O*S*T. Its about a girl with strange powers that finds herself in the middle of a situation that she didn't intend to get into.

Alright that's all I'm going to let out now! I may have another authors note in the next chapter or two!

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~Doing the right thing, erases a bad deed💖👄💫~

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