4 - Mayhem at Matthews

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Lucas wasn't a talker. But he wasn't that rude either. As we parked in the apartment lot with mu other cars, Lucas opened my door for me to come out and closed it after I did. In fairness, he was a gentleman. It made the guilt rise in my stomach.

"Hey look, I'm sorry for saying those things in the car about you."

He finally looked up from the ground and stared at me with emotionless eyes.

"Don't worry about it. All's in the past." he murmured.

That didn't lift the heaviness of guilt that still weighed me. This kid was mysterious. But I had a feeling I would be able to grow fond of him. He wasn't such a bad guy anyway.

"Are you gonna stay here and stare at me?"

Lucas' voice shook me from my thoughts. I turned red from the realization that I was staring at him the entire time. A smirk grew on his face as he turned around.

"Let's go."

I followed him. We walked up the stairs to the Matthews apartment and heard loud music from the other side of the door. As he and I exchanged confused glances, someone opened the door.

"Hey! You two finally came to the party!" we heard.

Zay was standing there, waiting for us to come in. There were tons of people here, dancing and having a good time. Flashing lights and loud music flooded the place. I spotted Riley yelling at the football team about the kitchen, Josh was in the living room with a girl on his lap. My stomach somehow flipped at seeing this. I don't know why.

"Come on." Lucas said as he grabbed my wrist and walked me in.

"Peaches!" I hear.

Lucas and I turned to Riley. She was being swept away into the hallway by the football team. Something tells me it's not going to be pretty in there.

"I'll be back." I said to Lucas.

He looks behind me and narrows his eyes in a distinct look. A mixture of confusion and sympathy.

"Are you sure?" he asks. Almost genuinely.

I nod my head and he turns around, meeting up with Farkle, Zay and Josh. I turned into the hallway with Riley and she's on the ground, her hair was ruffled and her clothes were ragged. I pulled her up to her feet and giggled as she looked at me, horrified.

"Are you okay, honey?" I ask as she squeezed my hand.

"They ran over me. Then they headed into Auggies room." she said.

She hugged me quickly and I took her to the kitchen to get her fixed up. There was a couple making out on the fridge and I shooed them away. I realized it was the girl on Josh' lap.

"Come on, we need to get you cleaned up." I say to Riley as she sits down.

She fixes her clothes as I grab a cold towel to put over her bruised forehead. She smiles sweetly and I smile back.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"You can go to Josh now."

I tilt my head in confusion. She giggles.

"Just go, I have a party to dismiss anyway."

I nod my head and make my way to the couch. I sit between Josh and Lucas and Josh puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Hey, Blondie." he teases.

I roll my eyes. Lucas awkwardly begins to talk to Zay and Farkle.

"Alright, everyone out!" Riley announces.

"I don't think so."

We turn our heads to see one of the football players stand up too.

"This party was a bust, so let's take it outside too!"

Everyone screamed and yelled. We were soon trampled and for swept away by a huge crowd. I ended up getting lost in the stairs, Josh and Lucas were in the hallway and Riley was still in the apartment. As we got outside, it began to get crazy.

"I have to go home." I yelled, trying to talk to them over the noise of the crowd.

"Alright, I'll take you." Josh yelled back.

We were pushed and shoved as the four of us went to the parking lot. Then I realized, Josh' car wasn't there.

"Hey! Where's my car!?"

"It doesn't matter! Drive mine!" Lucas yelled.

We hopped into Lucas' car and I pulled down the window to talk to Riley.

"Get home safe, okay Peaches?"

"Yes, I will."

Car window rolls down.

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