17 - Unresolved Tension

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"Alright Maya, you're done for today."

I turned my head towards my boss, Kaitlyn as she gave me a vibrant smile. I sighed as I dropped the towel on the counter I was wiping and I had began to take off the apron off my waist. It wasn't so bad working here now that it was under new managment. Kaitlyn was like a breath of fresh air. She had plans for the places and it even started to undergo renovation. She even began hiring high school students so I wasn't the only teenager working here.

I had met a lot of students from other high schools after I started working here. There was;
Megan, the quiet but bright sophomore that was a huge bookworm. I hadn't really started talking to her but she seems like a cool person.
Cameron, the loud and annoying jock that always brags about his rich heritage. He was well built for a junior but I wasn't planning on finding out soon.
Jan, a tall and skinny freshman with a quiet personality. He had an awkward stance but I've talked to him quite a bit and he's not a bad person.
Finally there was Krista. She was probably the first friend I made after I started working here. She was a bubbly and sarcastic junior. She kind of reminded me of Riley and I if our personalities clashed.

I struggled to get the apron off and after I had. I threw it on the table in front of me and I sat down with a plop. I heard someone sit in front of me and I blew the strands of hair away from my face.


Krista asked with a smirk on her face. I nodded as I rested my elbows on the table and placed my chin on top of my knuckles. As the place began closing up, I saw Jan had began to start sweeping the floor and Megan was on the counter, talking to him.

"You know, its not so bad working here than I thought it would be."

"Yeah, same goes for me."

"I've been so stressed lately."


I nodded and I looked down at my watch. 6:45. My train won't becoming in 45 minutes. I looked at Krista and she smiled at me.

"Yeah, my uh... Friend wants me to go somewhere with his friends and the winter ball is coming up in my school."

Krista gaped at me.

"Oh. The infamous Snowball. So, do you have a date?"

I could tell she was exaggerating and she and I break out into laughter. Within this moment, I felt someone come up behind me and a pair of hands were covering my eyes. I was nervous and my heart began to race but I felt like I had already knew who this was.

"Guess who?"

"Hmm... Is it the new guy that works here?"

"Haha, no why would I... Wait. Why would the new guy put his hands over your eyes?"

The hands were removed and I could now see. Josh had come into view and looked at me with furrowed but playful eyes.


I greeted as I pulled down the front of his hat over his eyes. He laughed as he came closer and kissed my cheek. I began to blush madly.

"Hey, Blondie."

Why did he have this effect on me? I looked over at Krista and she was raising her eyebrows. But when Josh turned around, her attitude changed. She had a scowl on her face and she crossed her arms on her chest. Josh had taken a seat next to me and Krista rolled her eyes. Josh didn't need to look at her to know who she was.



The air grew heavy and I could feel the unresolved tension in the air. The two wouldn't even look at each other and just sat in their chairs, facing away. Josh looked right at me with a forced smile plastered on his face and Krista was staring at the door behind me.

"Do you guys know each other?"

But before they answered my question, Jan, Cameron and Megan joined our little table and sat around it. I'm pretty sure they had no idea what was going on.

"Hey guys, what are you talking about?"

Megan asked. She looked at Krista and Josh, still unfazed at the tension lurking in the air. Josh stood up and grabbed my hand.

"I was just about to take Maya home."

I looked confused. What? I wasn't going to*

"Come on."

Josh had pulled me as I stood up, then he wrapped his arm around my waist and before I could say goodbye to my friends, he led me out. As we exited the building. I turned around at him, angrily.

"What's wrong with you?"

I nearly shouted. He rubbed the back of his neck and he looked down at his shoes meekly. God, I hate it when he does that. I tapped my foot and that was a sign I was getting inpatient. I guess he knew too.

"Well, its Krista."

I raised my eyebrow. I kind of already knew it was about her anyway.

"What about her?"

"I used to date her sister."

When Friends Get Involved ~Lucaya vs Joshaya~Where stories live. Discover now