Chapter 1: Perthena

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A/N Thank you readers for choosing to read the Rewrite of "Perthena." This one will have a lot more chapters then the last. It will be better written.

NOW for this book. Be ready for a whole new point of view on "Perthena" (I hope)

I added a lot of new ideas to it. There all my own. Now to my haters on my last book. Go ahead and read. Haters gonna hate while I'm just gonna eat chocolate because I can.

______________Rewrite of Perthena_________________

Chapter 1

Zeus paced around the throne room. He was alone, but he cursed under his breath. His pace didn't slow down a bit. His nerves spiked through the roof of the temple.

'It's time for them to at least try to find love.' He told himself, hoping for a better out come if the situation.

"Dear." He heard the voice of his wife Hera, pushing Zeus out of his deep thoughts.

Zeus looked down at her, and as he had expected, behind her stood the three goddesses he had called for. With a final deep breath. He took step forward.

"Athena, Artemis, and Hestia." He grated the three maiden goddesses. Earning a simple response from each.

"Father why have you called us here?" Asked Artemis. She was in her formal hunting gear. Zeus glanced at his wife and gave a nod. Hera walked away not saying a word. She knew very well what was going on, and she was not ready to see the outcome of this.

"I am releasing you all from your oaths as maidens." Zeus stated looking at the thrones, which he has turned to face. His back was now facing the goddesses.

Artemis took a step back, utterly shocked at the words spoken by Zeus.

"What?!" She asked breathless.

"Why are you doing this?" Hestia turned her worried expression away from Artemis towards her brother.

Zeus turned around to look at them face to face. Ever since the war ended one year ago. People see a great difference in Zeus's actions. And it is all towards a good way. They all thank Percy Jackson. The poor boy has suffered. A lot since the war ended. It turned out that Annabeth broke up with him right after the war. Or so the campers of camp half blood rumoured.

Those rumors ran to Olympus. Speaking of how Annabeth had been un-loyal to him. And stomped on his heart. No one has seen him from the day those rumours spread. And from that unfortunat day, Perseus disappeared, and peverything became dull and had a gloomy atmosphere on Olympus. Every god and goddess Minor or major respected him.

Zeus faced his two daughters and his sister. "I believe it is time for you three to find love or at least try. I am an old god. I have seen many of my children love and live a happy life. I want the same for you three.Even it's not with a partner." He said placing his hand on Artemis shoulder.

"At least try for me. And if you cannot find anyone within the year. I will restore your oath." Zeus said.

Hestia looked at her brother with understanding in her eye.

"Alright brother. I will try. But I cannot grantee that I will." She said frowning slightly. Artemis nodded as well.

"All right father." She said even though she was mentally screaming 'NO'

Athena stayed quite. To her she had a great relief on one side. But the other. She loves a man, but that man has been missing for so long.

"Alright father." She said quietly. Her usual stubbornness didn't seem to be there. She didn't even argue with her father. She was in deep thought.

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