Chapter 4 Perthena

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Chapter 4

Percy's POV

I groaned and looked over to see Athena lying beside me. We were both on the floor. I frowned and sat up. It was five in the morning. Leaned over Athena and tucked a stranded of hair behind her left ear. She looked so peaceful as she slept. A small smile was placed on her face as she slept. I blushed softly as my heart raced by simply looking at her.

"What do you do to me Athena?" I asked softly knowing very well she won't respond. I stood up and picked her up. I placed her on the bed gently and tucked her in once again.

I sighed and summoned my phone. I looked at the screen to see another girl in danger. This one was running through the streets of New York. She had brown hair with green eyes. She looked to be 12.

I snapped my fingers and summoned on some clothes. I was wearing my usual jacket with a black t-shirt underneath. I had some blue jeans. With black combat boots. Satisfied I flashed myself into the streets of New York. I appeared in an Alleyway. Like always. I pulled my hood up allowing it to cover my eyes. I then placed my hands onto the pockets of my Jacket and and followed the demigod. She was unaware of me following her.

"MOVE." Some guy said shoving me out the way. I moved out the way and watched as he ran after the girl. I quickened my pace and followed. Not losing sight. More guys ran past me and followed the first gang member. I looked at my phone to see it tracking the girl. She was heading to a dead end. I reached the dead end quickly. She had her back to the wall. The men each surrounding her. She caught sight of me. I sent her a resurging smile. She gulped and pressed further to the wall. She sent me a look that was begging me to go. I shook my head.

The leader chuckled. He and his men were unaware that I was standing behind them.

"So girly whatcha goanna do. Your daddy's' dead and he owes us a whole lot of money. I want someone to pay up. And you will do just fine." He cackled as he unbuckling his belt. I cleared my throat making them all turn to look at me.

"Let the girl go." I said my voice sounding firm and cold. The leader tilts his head like if he was confused.

"Go away boy." He spat taking out a pocket knife. I chuckled. I took out a dagger and shot it at one of his men. Hitting the guy on the forehead. The guy's eyes looked up and saw the dagger sticking out his forehead before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body hitting the ground with a loud 'thud' Blood began to gush out and pool quickly around him.

I put my hand back into my pocket as if nothing has happened. His 'buddies' looked horrified at the dead body before looking up at me with glares. I chuckled darkly.

"Let her go." I ordered again. The leader growled and dropped his pocket knife. He took out a gun from the back of his pants as he walked towards me. His pants were hanging below his butt. Which I rolled my eyes about. It's been a while I have seen these type of man.

I rolled my eyes. He pulled the trigger. I extended my wings and used them as a shield and let the bullet hit them. The bullet hit and the sound of the little piece of metal hit the floor. I was able to feel the impact as the bullet hit my wings.

 I moved my wings and let them stretch at their full wing span. The gangsters dropped their weapon from fear and amazement mixed together as they stared at my wings that seemed to make the shadows darker.

"The girl." I ordered. She gulped and slowly made her way towards me. She past the gangsters without trouble until she tried to get past the leader. He pulled her by the arm towards his chest. He wrapped his arms around her neck and pointed a gun at her head.

Perthena  (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now