Chapter 13 Perthena

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Chapter 13: The companions

Jake's POV

After five minutes of following Darkness we came to a door. It was not labeled.

"Welcome to the pet room. You'll wait till an animal chooses you. Once they do. They form a mental bond with you. They'll be your life companions." She said opening the door. Many animals laid around either sleeping or looking bored. Somewhere eating, playing around, or doing something else.

"Go on. If they walk away it's a rejection." Darkness said. All the group members began to walk around. All sorts of animals were walking towards me. I looked around to see many animals. I glanced at one of the guys in the group. Seth. I think was his name. Yeah, it's Seth. I watched as a white wolf made its way over to him. The wolfs sniffed him before waging its tail like a happy dog meeting his new owner.

I looked at Darkness. She was walking near a few cats. The cats were cleaning themselves, but they looked up and spotted Darkness. A white and gray spotted cat made its way over to Darkness. It walked around her before tattering away. The cat had rejected Darkness. A gray cat walked towards her and clawed up her leg. It looked painful, but she didn't seem to show pain. She smiled at the small animal. It meowed as it climbed onto her shoulder.

I glanced at Chloe to see her with looking into the eyes of a Peregrine falcon. She looked at it blankly, before smiling widely. Her smile turned into a grin before glancing at me. I nervously looked away, and I looked around more too see the twins. Jasper was petting a golden wolf, and Lapis was with a black mamba wrapped around her arm. It wasn't exactly black but it was a dark brown color that resembled a light black.

I looked around to see Astaria with a Panda. She was hugging the panda tightly as she smiled widely.

I looked at Hayden to see him with a kraken...I blinked and looked at another person. Andrew was looking at a hellhound. The hellhound jumped around him in a play manner.

I looked at Abyss to see a phoenix flying over him. The flaming bird was eyeing him. Abyss took his arm out and the bird landed on his arm. The phoenix tilt its head looking curiously before moving to Abyss's' shoulder.

I looked at Aiela to see her with a dare wolf.

I walked deeper into the room. I spotted Willow with a Tasmanian devil. I rose a questioning brow, but moved down more. Now I could see Nancy with a lioness. She was petting the female lion. I looked around at the different animals. Some walked towards me. They looked at me, but padded, flew, or slithered away.

I sighed and walked around more.

I looked at many different animals. From cats, dogs, Griffons, Birds, Crocodiles, I even saw a sugar glider. But those seem to didn't like me. I looked to my left. My heart stopped. I was face to face with Darkness.

"Don't sneak up on me." I said. She rose a brow. "Come on." She said pulling me though the hordes of Animals.

She took me all the way to the back. There stood a Dire wolf. It had thick gray fur.

"He wanted to see you closer." Darkness said. The gray cat on her shoulder looked at the wolf.

The wolf looked at me, and padded its way over. He looked at me and sniffed my hand. I held my hand out and watched as he inspected me closely. He looked up at me. Looking deep into my eyes. I felt a connection between the wolf form when we made eye contact.

'Hi.' A deep growling like voice spoke through my mind. I looked at Darkness questionably. She smiled at me knowingly, and walked away.

'I am Dusk.' The voice said again. I looked at the wolf. He looked at me. I glanced around to see that their as no one nearby.

Perthena  (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now