Chapter 5 Perthena

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Athena's POV

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Athena's POV

Percy's eyes began to glow red. He normal nails were replaced by claws. Out of shock I was thrown back by one of the furies. Who I have not noticed until she had pushed me. This action made Percy blow. He tore through one of the furies giving her a painful death.

I could now see a glow of darkness surround him. I glanced at the furies. They began to screech and shred at their own chest. Clawing through their own flesh. I grimaced as their screams increased making my ears ache. I looked towards Percy to see him glowing even more. I backed up to see that his wings spring out of his back. The wings were wide open. At their full wings span.

The furies screeched as their skin burned away. I could now see their muscles. The room was filled with a horrible stench that burned my nose and eyes. I covered my nose in hopes to block out the stench.

"GO." Percy growled at me. I froze and stared at him. "No." I said shaking my head. He let out a yell of agony as I heard the sound of bones cracking.

"Go." He said once more. His voice sounding like a demonic growl. Tears filled up my eyes from the stinging pain that burned harshly. A weird black smoke began to surround Percy. And I knew I had to go even though I did not want to. I turned around and ran out the door. Midway out I heard a loud crashing sound. I looked back to see Percy had disappeared. Where he once stood was a single black father. Most likely from one of his wings. I looked at the window it was burst open meaning Percy flew out.

Something gripped my arm. I looked down to see a fury. Without skin. Her now boney fingers gripped my arms tightly.

"H-H-Help." She begged on her knees. I pulled my arm away. She was being destroyed inside out. Her bones were disappearing. With the slight jiggle of her arms. Her hold on me fell. She had no bones in her arm anymore. She screamed once more. I back out the room and ran out the apartment and down the buildings halls. Soon I came to the exit. Looking around. People were coming out their apartments to see what was going on. I looked to my right to see an empty hall. Quickly I went into the hall. It was dark. I used this as an advantage and flashed myself into the throne room.

My father was sitting on his throne. Looking bored beyond Hades domain.

"Father." I said growing into my godly size. My father looked at me confused. "Percy went mad." I said looking at him.

"What do you mean he went mad?" He asked me slowly, as he stared at me. I took a deep breath and looked down at the polished marble floor.

"Athena. This is severe news. We can't have a new untrained god out there without proper training of his powers." My father said massaging his forehead.

"And what will happen when Poseidon finds out?" He asked more to himself. I paled at the thought of Poseidon getting angry.

A gush of mist appeared. I stood up hoping it was Percy. Even though I had hopes. They were crushed. The mist formed a male figure and soon we could see it was Poseidon. I gripped my hair in frustration.

Perthena  (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now