Chapter 24 Perthena

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Chapter 24: Anna

Athena's POV

"Will you marry me?" Percy whispered softly into my ear. I looked at Percy with my mouth gapped open, before I looked back at the pink note cards. This was his hand writing. It is clear as day.

I looked back at Percy who is smiling down at me brightly. He took out a book from behind his back, and handed it to me.

I could see a small open gap through the pages. He gave me a smile as he gently placed his hands over mine, as I placed the book over the table.

I slid my finger through the gap, and opened the book full way. To see a ring inside between the pages. It had my name carved onto the side. I smiled as I looked up at Percy. I stood up, and looked up at him. Which he was taller than me. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down.

"Yes." I whispered into his ear. Percy's smile widens so much more. "Yes!" I screamed pulling him into a tight embrace.

Percy made me look up at him once more, by pulling up. He didn't say anything, but brought his lips above mind. My tears rolled now my cheeks as he brushed them away. I stopped his hand from removing the tears as he kissed me.

"leave them. These are tears of joy, which are a good thing." I said in between each kiss. He didn't say a thing as he kept on kissing me. His lips leaving behind a salty tasted that lingered on my lips after he broke away.

"You've made me the happiest man in the whole wide universe." He said brining his lips back down above mine.

I let out a small sound from the back of my throat causing me to blush deeply, as Percy wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer, and let them hang around my waist. I closed my eyes as I let my lips move on their own.

Both mine and Percy's lips moved perfectly together. It felt so right to be in his arms.

I smiled as he pulled away from me.

He picked up the ring that was still inside the book. I almost forgot... I blushed deeply by simply looking at it.

"I love you Athena. And no woman will ever take my love away from you." He promised, as he took my hand gently. I separated my fingers giving him access to place the ring on the right finger.

He slid it on slowly. I smiled as he placed it on. Once it was fully on. He rose my hand to his lips, giving it a sweet tender kissed above the stone, as he looked at me with a smile.

"My love." He whispered pulling me into another kiss. His lips left behind little tingles that made me feel warm. I pulled him down deepening the kiss. Percy let out a small chuckled before brushing his tongue over my lips before pulling away. I blushed deeply as I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with a bright smile, and his eyes filled with love.

I returned his smile as I brushed my thump over his lips gently.

"I'm lucky. Out of all the beautiful woman on the earth. And you choose me." I said softly. Percy cupped his hands over my own opening his mouth to speak.

"You choose my love." I whispered resting my head on his shoulders. I wrapped his arms around me. Which he tightened holding me firmly in place. .

"And in return I gave you mine." I finished looking up through my eyelashes. With a smile on my lips.

"I am grateful for you being the one I will marry." He said. "Your everything I wished for. And no one will harm you as long as your mine." He kissing my forehead tenderly.

Perthena  (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now