Chapter 6 Perthena

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(Short Chapter)


_____Percy's POV_____

I sighed as the meeting was dismissed. Athena looked at me. I sent her a reassuring smile. I was alright. She worries to much about me. "I'm alright." I said talking her hand in mine and giving it a slight squeeze. She placed her free hand on my cheek.

"Alright Percy. But please if anything happens do tell me. I'm here for you." She said smiling. I nodded.

"I promise." I said raising her hands to my lips. I kissed her hand softly and smiled at her. She blushed with a smile on her face. "I must go. I left a mortal boy with the hunters." I said softly. She nodded and kissed my cheek. "Alright. Tell Mar I said hey." She said smiling. I nodded with a soft smile. Athena smiled and let go of my hand.

I turned around and flashed myself into my tent. I looked around. Thalia was sitting on the couch with Jake sitting on the other one facing her. He was sitting quietly with a book he was reading. I cleared my throat to let myself be known. Thalia smiled at me and stood up.

"Percy. He's a good guy. I'm shocked. He reminds me a lot of you. Minus the hyper activity." She said smiling. She walked over to the door and opened it.

"Jake hasn't met Mar. She was out with Alpha and the other hunters. They went hunting for food." She said before leaving the tent. I looked back at Jake. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"I have much to explain to you. About your new life." I said softly. He looked up at me and stayed silent. I sat down where Thalia was sitting. He simply watched me.

"I want you to know that. I am not married. So that means no mother..." I held the urge to say yet. Maybe someday in the future me and Athena will get married. But obviously no time soon. I promised to give her time.

"My names Percy." I said.

"What are you?" He asked looking at me. I could sense anxiety and worry in his voice. Let me quickly tell you what Jake looks like. He has dark brown hair. He had normal brown eyes that didn't seem to shine. Almost as if he had died from inside. I placed my lips into a thin line.

"I'm a god." I said. He stared at me like if I had grown another head, and gone skydiving from outer space. I sighed. "The Greek gods exists." I began. "Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Dionysus, Hipthaeaus, Aphrodite, Athena, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, Ares and Me. We make up the Olympian council. Those same gods you study in school." I said. That day I became a god. Mist covered throughout the whole world and made it seem as if I had been an Olympian for eons.

Jake simple stared at me. A looked of absolute disbelief passed through his face. Before it was covered it anger. "A god. Really? Is this some kind of sick joke!?" He asked as he gazed at me with a glare.

Sighing. I stood up.

"Follow me." I said. Jake stood up and followed me out the door.

"Humans don't know that Greek mythology is all real. Every god or goddess ever recorded are real." I glanced down at him. He had a blank look on his face.

"I was once a demigod. A child of a god and a human. I went through a difficult time trying to find myself. The one I was meant to be. I went through some crazy stuff, and at the end I became a god." I stopped walking. Without knowing we had reached a small pound. I sat down on a log. Jake sat down beside me.

"Look." I said lifting my hand. I wield water to rise from the pound and form the shape of a Pegasus. I made the Pegasus move and flap is wings.

"My father is Poseidon." I said softly. Jake stared at it shocked. I let the Pegasus return to the water and turn back into its usual liquid self. Jake stood up in shock. He slowly went over to the pond and stared at the water.

Perthena  (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now