Chapter 8 Perthena

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Liliana's POV

I triumphal smiled at Annabeth. She glared at me.

"No. I want to speak with Percy." She keeps on insisting with this nonsense.

"I'm not Percy." Jake exclaimed.

Annabeth shut up.

"I don't know what you did to him, but seriously I'm not him." Jake said as he was calming down.

Annabeth glared at me.

"And that's another thing. No need to take out your anger on my sister." I smiled at Jake. This kid will be a whole lot like Percy.

"Jake." Mar shouted running towards us. Athena smiled at seeing Mar. Annabeth glared and as Mar ran by her. She stuck her right foot out causing little Mar tip and fall. I saw mar fall and hit her head hard on the ground. Next thing I knew blood is leaking out of her head.

I growled and lunged at her as Athena and Jake ran towards Mar to take care of her.

"Anna the itch." I glared at her. Annabeth glared at me in return.

"I will talk to Jake. And you'll watch how I destroy him. Inside out. Like I had done with Percy." She whispered smirking and stood up.

"Percy was nothing to me. He was a tool I used to get noticed." She twisted her hair in her fingers.

"I seduced his best friend knowing it would break him more." Annabeth laughed as if someone had told the funniest joke around.

"I will now hurt your family because you and your sibling have power in camp." She said turning serious.

My angry was building up. I stood up quickly. The sky over us began to grow darker, making it seem like night time without stars or the moon.

"Touch my family, and I will destroy your very essence. Very, very, very Slowly." I whisperer into her ear with a cold and dull tone. She stared at me with fear. I smiled heartlessly at her.

" Deep down you're a monster. I know it." She said before running away. I froze and watched as campers began to exit their cabins and look up at the sky to see nothing other than pure darkness.

13 different flashed went off. There stood the Olympians. Dionysus came running from the big house with Chiron at his side. They all looked at me with questioning gazes.

Percy frowned and walked towards me. I said nothing and stared the direction she has ran off too.

"I have to go." I said. I turned the opposite way and ran into the thick woods. I used the shadows to cover me from sight. Before traveling to crystals palace. I appeared in the ice forest. I glared at I looked at the icicles trees. I looked at my reflection on the glossy surface. I watched as the brown hair turned black and reddish. My skin tone paled. My eyes returned to their pitch-black color.

Shadows surrounded me coting my body like a cocoon. I glanced down to see my camp shirt turning into a full body suit of armor. The shadows formed a cloak around me. A dark mask covered my mouth and nose. I glanced behind me to see an assassin that was on to duty to protect the palace. Which belonged to crystal.

"Commander Darkness." He said shocked. I glanced at him.

"You. You're the traitor?" He asked still in shocked.

"Of course. Only that Crystal has sent me to spy on the enemy faking to be one of their own. "I said waving his off. The assassin look guilty and afraid. Crystal might not know of the power I hold. But they do. Each new member swears to be loyal to me. Not crystal. This is where she made a mistake. She doesn't know me enough. They will only serve her until I ask for their proof of loyalty. If one betrays me. Off with their heads. I must say.

Perthena  (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now