Chapter 23 Perthena

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Chapter 23: Say Yes!

Darkness' POV

___Two days later___

I lazily opened my eyes to see a dark room. I shifted around to noticed I was on a bed. I looked around to see a medical room. I took a deep breath as I sat up expecting a wave of pure pain. But once I was seated. There was none. I looked down at myself confused. That was not normal. I should feel pain. And lots of it.

"Good your awake." Destructions voice rang through the room. I looked up to suddenly see him standing beside me. I flinched slightly. I felt like a mortal as he was beside me.

"Why do I feel so weak?" I asked him. I was not liking it one bit. I need my powers to get the butt out of here. No way in Tartarus was I marrying this guy. I prefer to fade.

"Your body was healing itself. It had taken a while. Somewhere around two days." He said casually. My mouth went dry at the sound of that. I was out for two days... and I'm still weak.

"I want you to rest more. Once your all full health you'll be taken as my wife. Like it or not." He said walking out the room. He made sure to slam it shut.

I rolled my eyes as I pulled the covers right off me. I looked down to makes sure I wasn't changed. Well guess what. Someone did change me.

'if this is going to work. I need to fool him.' I thought standing up. 'But how to start?' I asked myself.

'You can start by faking that you feel better.' Butcher said. I spun around to see him in his gray cat form once again. He sat on a counter looking at me with a Cheshire smile.

I smiled widely and rushed over to him. He jumped onto my shoulder and purred softly.

'Start with fooling him on your health. We'll last here a while, but that will make him trust you a bit more.' He said jumping back to the counter.

"Okay." I said nodding.

'Good. Now you're dress.' He said pointing a paw at my attire. I smiled sheepishly and changed my dress back.

'Good. Now go find him.' Butcher instructed pointing his paw to the door. To see it was unlocked. Unlike the cell, I was once in.

"Want me to find him?" I asked confused. He nodded his head and jumped off the counter before padding his way out the medical room. I followed him out the room. The hallways were dark as well. I could barely see his gray fur in the darkness. But I could see small glimpse of objects around me.

"Why are you out of bed?" Destructions voice came from behind me. I tensed up knowing that if he attacked me. I would surely lose... but then I remembered he needs me and I need to fool him. I turned around slowly. I let out a fake sigh of relief.

"I was looking for you." I said forcing myself to bow my head before looking at him. Destruction had a scowl on his lips. He for some odd reason changed to be around my age he was now in a 17-year form. Creepy much?

"Go back to bed." He ordered. I shook my head. "I can't sleep." I said playing with my fingers hoping for him to fall for it. Come on. I just need to slowly consume his energy and for that. I need him near.

He walked closer to me. He looked into my eyes to see if I was lying. Sucks for him. You can't tell much from my eyes. He growled in annoyance and pulled me closer to him by the waist. I yelped as I crashed against his chest. I shifted around uncomfortable. I glanced at Butcher who was glaring at me.

Perthena  (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now