Chapter 22 Perthena

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Chapter 22: Torment

Darkness POV

Percy walked beside Victoria. He was telling her about Mar's death. He looked towards me with hurt and pain. I knew very well he was missing both Mar and Athena at his side.

I looked around for Abyss hoping to find him. Just maybe we could both help speed up Athena's healing process by giving it a boost of power.

I followed Abyss power waves to sense him in the woods. Deep within the wood. Weird... why would he be there?

I followed it. The closer I got the more I could feel another wave of power. My heart beat fast as I recognized the power wave.

I pushed past the branches and thick shrubs on the ground.

Finally, I came to the place. I hid from view. To see Abyss standing there with Crystal who was speaking to him. I noticed Abyss wasn't wearing his hood which shocked me greatly. I looked at the ground feeling hurt. How could I have been thought he trusted me.

Was I really destined to be forever alone as darkness everlasting? I looked back at them with tears in my eyes. A surge of Jealousy surged through me. But I stood in place... Watching as Crystal walked around Abyss as she gently touched his shoulder. Whispering into his ear.

I watched as she suddenly pressed herself against his back giving him a soft hug... to my surprise tears fell from his eyes. Each drop hitting the ground causing me to feel pain. His pain. Sadness was in my chest. He was always so locked up. He won't let anyone see him like this unless he trusted them enough with it... Tears feel from my eyes as I watched Crystal smile and wipe away his tears. She moved to giving him a right hug. Slowly Abyss wrapped his arms around her. Crystal smile widen as she pressed her lips over his.

I looked up at the sky to see the sun coming down.

I shut my eyes causing more tears to slide down my cheeks. I wiped them away fiercely and pulled my cloak tighter around me. I walked away as a strong gust of wind blew by. The memory of both Crystal and Abyss together won't leave me mind. She always took what I had even if it wasn't mine. How can she be like that?

I walked for an hour knowing I was far from people... I came to a small clearing. Trees surrounded me. I fell to my knees and placed my hand over my chest. Tears streamed down my cheek as I stared into the darkness around me.

My shadows creatures all walked out the woods with their head bowed. They looked at me with sadness. They felt my pain... I glanced to my right to see Anaya standing there with sad eyes... I looked away from her feeling horrible. I did that to her. I'm really a monster. I wiped away my tears with the sleeve of my dress and gave her a weak smile.

"Mistress?" She asked in her soft tone. I patted a spot beside me. She walked over to me.

"Thank you, Anaya." I told her. She looked at me in surprise.

"You have been a great friend even if I didn't show it. I want to reward you." I told her. She didn't say anything knowing this wasn't something I normally do.

"Anaya it's time for you to find a home." I told her. Anaya took a step back in shock causing her to trip. I shut my eyes. I looked up at the sky.

"Tonight, crows will fly and cover the light. A goon will land and believe in the might when the sun raises once more. Her curse lifted by the daylight." I chanted softly under my breath. Cries of crows rang through the silenced air. The shadows all laid down with their head bowed.

Crows surrounded Anaya causing her to let out a loud yelp. I shut my eyes and heard as she screamed. I created a shadow barrier to keep her safe. After several minutes her screamed stopped. I opened my eyes to see a new born girl on the ground. I picked up the child and looked around. I looked at the barrier of camp. I won't be able to leave. I used a bit of my power to travel her into a mother's womb. She will be placed inside a mother's womb and as she goes through the travel she'll become little eggs.

Perthena  (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now