Chapter 21 Perthena

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Chapter 21: Sister

Percy's POV

I took Athena's hand in mine as I looked at her pale skin. I intertwined our fingers. Her hand was cold against mine. I shut up eyes.

Why are the fates so cruel? Do you guys really hate me this much?

I sat down beside Athena and pushed a strand of lose hair behind her ear. She looked peaceful, as if she was simply asleep... But she wasn't sleeping like it seemed.

I felt numb. Without her here. First, I lose Mar and now I may lose her...

I took a deep breath. Their attacking the people I care for... Jake... I looked around the room. It all fitted in perfectly. The enemy wants me out the war. I can't let everyone down. I stood up and ran my finger over Athena's cheeks gently. It was so cold.

"I love you." I whispered. I pressed a kiss on her forehead before walking out the room. Apollo stood in the hall looking at a wall blankly.

"Take care of her. I have something important to do." I said. He nodded and went into the room. I quickly bolted out Apollo's palace and rushed towards the throne room. Minor gods and goddess moved out the way as they saw me.

In no time, I was in the throne room. I opened it to see the gods all seating in their thrones looking bored.

"I need you to bring the demigod council." I said most likely scaring them all.

I took out a communicator and pressed a red button. Calling my team. Several flashed went out. And I knew they were standing behind me looking worried.

Hermes quickly flashed away. We waited for a few seconds before he returned with the whole demigod council at his side. I gave him a thankful nod and looked at everyone.

"As you all know Mar died not long ago... And now Athena is in coma. I feel that the enemy is targeting me to get me out the war. Without me here it will make everything easier." I began.

Darkness looked at me with a knowing looked.

"You mean Destruction and Crystal will aim to destroy what you love. To weaken our side?" Abyss asked stepping forward.

"I think that each of the primordial on their side will weaken each of us." I said truthfully. Arthur looked at me and nodded in agreement.

"It can be the case." He said in agreement.

Lapis looked at Jasper then at me. "So, what can we do?" She asked. Everyone else looked at me with in agreement with Lapis.

'What can we do?' I asked myself. Nancy and Willow both raised their hands. "I say we train the demigods." Nancy said. Willow shook her head. "No, we should call for more battleships." Aiela rolled her eyes.

"I say we should wait to see their next move." I glanced around to see Andrew looking at Aiela with a glare.

"We shouldn't do that. It can risk too much. We need to create a more suitable plan. That has a backup. Knowing that plan A never works out." He said.

Astaria nodded in agreement along with Andrews plan. "I agree. It will be better to have a plan ready just in case."

Hayden looked at me with concerned "I say we let the prince come up with the plan." He said looking at me.

"No." Jake said. We all turned to look at him. He was staring at me.

"If they want to harm the main ones on our side. We need to be ready for an attack at any given moment." I took a deep breath and glanced at each of my group members before I looked at the gods and the demigod council members. Everyone was looking at me.

Perthena  (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now