Chapter 3 Perthena

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 ___Third Person's POV___

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___Third Person's POV___

Everything was silent. Dead silent. The woman in the center of the throne room stood still. Everyone was staring at her. "Why did you want us here?" Percy asked with a firm and cold tone. She parted her lips to speak.

"I wish to help your side." She said. Percy stood still. "Why?" He asked. Darkness shook her head.

"I want revenge on my sister. I hate being treated like a servant. She took my spear. My symbol of power. I want it back. And to do that. I need your help." She said. Percy shook his head.

"Why should we help you?" He asked coldly.

Darkness placed a triumph smile. "I saved you from Tartarus." She said. Everyone began to yell in protest. Saying thing like.


'She's the enemy.'

'She's not trustable.'

'Don't give her a chance.'

Percy walked to Darkness. She took out a dagger from her hidden pockets. And held it on her hands. She rose it up and let Percy look at it. "It was you." He said taking the dagger from her hands. He scanned it and nodded.

"Why did you save me?" He asked shocked. Darkness smiled. "You have an important role in fate. You were needed by the gods and mortals and I cannot let one sister destroy another of my sisters out of anger and jealousy." She said. Percy nodded. "Alright." He said. He did not know why but he felt as if she could be trusted.

"Any Ideas on how to take down your sister?" Percy asked taking his hand out for her to shake. Darkness grinned and shook his hand.

"Miss information." Darkness said confusing all the god minus Athena.

"Giving her false information on our moves and plans." Athena explained to them all. Percy smiled as his girlfriend.

Darkness nodded. "I will convince Crystal to let me become a 'spy' this way I can take 'information' to her. Also being at camp will give me time to train the campers." She said looking up at the gods. Everyone nodded displeased.

"It's good as a first step. It gives us an advantage over her." Athena said. Everyone nodded in agreement at that statement.

"Alright." Percy said looking at her. Darkness pulled up a piece of cloth over her mouth and her eyes became visible under her hood. Pure black orbs stared at them with no dot of light. Apollo looked into her eyes. Fear crossed his own eyes as seeing so much darkness in one's eyes. Darkness disappeared and along with her presence left the cold chilling air that once hanged in the room.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to trust her?" Zeus asked concerned. Percy nodded. "Yes uncle I am positive. I feel like we can trust her." Percy said looking at them all.

Perthena  (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now