١ƽ | ᴀʟʟ ᴍɪɴᴇ.

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١ƽ | ᴀʟʟ ᴍɪɴᴇ.

"One more time," Dante sighed, "it's easy."

"No it's not," I pouted.

Dante was teaching me Spanish, after I practically begged him for three days straight. I couldn't understand it though, he kept saying it was so easy. If it was that easy I'd know how to speak it fluently, wouldn't I? He was practically an expert, so of course it would come easy to him!

"Roll your R's, it'll help."

Dante had slowed down his speech for me, but I still couldn't understand it.

"Mi nombre es .."

I bit my lip. "Mi nombre es Monae."

Dante smiled, "Good! Okay, let's try this one," he nodded. "El nombre de mi hermano Ramiro."

"El nombre de mi hermano Ramiro," I repeated. Dante smiled once more, and I blushed, looking away from him. "Look at me," he said, making me give him my attention, "you're doing great."

Lately, I've been feeling something..more when I'm around Dante. He makes my heart flutter, my stomach churn..and I think he knows.

I wonder if this was how Mom felt about Dad.

I've grown to be extremely close to Dante. I like it, but I can't help but feel like there's something..between us. I get the feeling that he likes me the same way I like him.

I felt his hands on my thighs, and I squealed. His touch makes my skin tingle. I wasn't sure what we had, but I knew that Santiago was trying to keep us apart. I wanted to know why, but I didn't know how to ask him.

"I feel comfortable around you," he smiled. "Like how we could talk about anything. You make me feel..relaxed."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"I like talking you, too.." I bit my lip.

It was my little secret that I was attracted to him. I mean..I liked him for him, but..I was sexually attracted to him. I had a feeling he knew, and I wish I could act on it, but it would be my first time doing really anything with a boy, let alone a man.

"What's wrong with you? You've been acting..distant lately."

I shook my head, "N-No I ha-haven't.."

"Why are you stuttering then, hm? Are you not telling me something?" He looked me in the eyes, gripping my thighs.

"I-It's nothing.."

He kissed my neck, and I held back a whimper.

I dug my nails into the material of the chair, biting down on my lip even harder.

"Si me quieres, dilo," he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. His words simply rolled off of his tongue, sounding sexual in content. "¿Me quieres?"

My breathing began to quicken, and he chuckled. I felt like the room was getting hotter, and it was getting increasingly hard to hold back my moans as he kissed my neck, sucking gently at my skin.

"No voy a mentir, te quiero."

I felt him grin, and he released a chuckle. This time, I couldn't hold it back. A soft moan passed my lips, and that told Dante everything he needed to know.

One of his hands continued up my leg, rubbing my inner thigh. His other hand caressed my face, and he pecked my lips lightly, leaving me longing for more.

"No sabes lo que haces a mí, niña."

Dante began to spread my legs apart, and he enticed me with soft kisses as his hand slid into my panties. I felt his fingers enter me, and I gasped. He moved his fingers with rhythm, my walls holding onto his fingers tightly. I began to moan, which made him chuckle.

"Mmm, creo que te va a gustar."

Dante left spine numbing kisses across my skin, kissing me fully as his fingers sped up. I had reached my peak quickly, and released on his fingers. He broke the kiss, watching his hand as he eased his fingers from within me.

His fingers were covered with my juices, and he smiled at me. "See, doesn't that feel good?"

Dante slipped his fingers into his mouth, his fingers coming from his mouth clean. He stood up, and kissed my forehead, before heading to my bedroom door. "You taste sweet," he smirked, "I like that."

And he left me room, leaving me confused and longing for him.

I can't sleep because I keep thinking about him. I lay here in bed, my mind going absolutely insane with all these fantasies that I know I shouldn't be thinking about, because there's no way it could possibly happen.

I can't talk to Dante's because every time I do, he makes me blush and I think about our altercation earlier. It wasn't that I didn't want it to happen again, I simply wasn't prepared. So I've been avoiding him.

I crept down into the kitchen for a glass of juice, the rain hitting hard against the house. A large flash of lightening illuminated the kitchen, and I jumped. Taking the juice out of the fridge, I kept the fridge door open for some light. I poured the juice in a cup, and placed the carton back in the fridge, and another flash of lightening illuminated the kitchen, this time accompanied by a crackle of thunder.

"You've been avoiding me, lately."

I turned around, nearly knocking the glass off the counter. Dante stood there, shirtless, his hands in his pockets. Dante was muscular and well built, and his sweatpants were pulled down low enough so I could see his V line.

He stepped toward me, and I froze up. Dante placed his hand on my waist, and goosebumps up on my skin from his mere touch. "You make me insane..thinking about you.."

I stayed silent, although my heart pounded in my chest. I gulped, and tried to focus on something else.

"I know you want me. It's easy to see it. I can tell by the way you look at me, the way you try to stay away from me now..you know it's wrong, but you don't care..you want me, just as much as I want you."

"D-Dante.." I whimpered.

He began to lift me up, and he sat me on the counter. "I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered in my ear, pressing his body against me.

Dante was rock-hard.

I looked down at his erection, and he chuckled. "Tell me no if you want me to stop."

He helped me off the counter, taking my hand. "Come on."

I followed him to his room, which was down a small staircase. Dante pushed open his door, and it was a room fit for a King. Gold accents, black sheets..it suited Dante. He sat me on his bed, and kissed me softly, easing my shirt over my head. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pushed me back, rubbing my thighs.

It was almost like a blur..

I begged Dante not to stop, gripping the sheets as he continued his thrusts.





My legs shook from the want and need for more; Dante giving me everything that I asked for. He growled in my neck, holding my waist.

"Te sientes tan bien, nena .."

He pinned my thighs down, speeding up. I cried out his name relentlessly, clawing his back up. He kissed my neck, and I felt close to my peak.

"D-Da-Dante..I c-can't.." I whimpered.

"I know you can hold it," He groaned, "just wait.."

I held onto him tighter, closing my eyes.

At this point, I was beginning to squirm.

I moaned loudly, releasing. Dante finished as well, pulling out. "I need you..tell me that you won't leave me.."

I kissed his lips softly, his forehead pressed against mine.

"I won't.."

I checked the calendar, rubbing my stomach in small circles. For the past month, my stomach had been killing me. I was throwing up, and hated to be around certain foods.

"You okay?" Dante asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck gently, and I rubbed his hand. Other than being sick, Dante and I were a "couple" so to speak. We acted like we weren't for Santiago, but behind closed doors, it was a totally different story.

"It can't be.." I counted the days over and over, biting my lip. I couldn't possibly have..

That simply isn't correct.

"What's today?" I asked him.

"September 16th, why?"

I pushed Dante's arms off of me, turning around to him. "What's wrong?" He raised his eyebrows, his eyes expectant for an answer.

"I..I missed my period, Dante."

All the color drained from his face, and he bit his lip.

"I thought you used protection!" I crossed my arms over my chest, turning away from him.

"I wasn't thinking.." He mumbled, "I'm fucking stupid!"

"What were you thinking, then? Dante..I'm seventeen! Not to mention that I'm here against my will!"

Dante looked down to the floor, and I huffed. I didn't know who to be angry with, Dante for not using protection, or myself for giving into the temptation. "I'm sorry.." He mumbled, "I just..I don't know.."

"You must know something!" I screamed.

"I wanted something to be rightfully mine, Monae!" He yelled at me, his voice laced with anger. I stepped back, and he balled his fists up. "You don't understand!" He growled, "I go through life feeling angry and tormented inside my head because I'm so messed up! Then you came along.." Dante smiled, "you were just what I needed. Sweet, pretty, and willing to help me. I wasn't thinking that night, Monae..I was just thinking for myself.."

I sat on the bed, hiding my face in my hands. "What were you thinking, Dante?"

"That with a child, I would have something to smile for..to hold in my arms and watch them go off to sleep..to make sure that they're better than I ever would be."


He got on his knees, coming over to me. Dante had tears streaming down his face, and placed his hands on my thighs, looking into my eyes.

"Please..you can't abort our child. I'll be the best dad ever..I'll do anything for our little one.."

I sighed, and he pecked my lips.

"Only one thing we have to do.." I started. I wiped his tears, and he waited for me to continue.

"We have to tell Santiago."

And that's what we did.

Dante held my hand, and knocked on Santiago's office door. We waited in silence, and the door opened, Santiago standing there. He looked at us, and raised his eyebrow.

"We have something to tell you.." I said, looking at Dante. He nodded, and continued, "Monae might be pregnant.."

"By who?" He asked, looking at me.

"Me. Monae might be having my baby."

Santiago's eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open.

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